Friday, January 03, 2014

A touching moment...

While at the swimming pool at the Embassy Suites... I notice a family of 7 come strolling in.  Three of the kids ran and jumped straight into the pool.  The other two kids.... obviously required special needs. 

The boy... perhaps 6 or 7?  Laughed a lot.  But that's about all he could do.  Laugh and grunt.

The girl... perhaps 4 or 5? Sat in her banana stroller staring straight ahead with her head turning at slight angles.

While the other three "normal" kids were having fun... the dad swam with the boy, keeping close and constant care.  The mom sat next to the girl... watching and gazing at her siblings.

Half hour later... I ended up in the hot tub with the mom and her two kids.  The mom was talking to another mom and here's what she said....

"She (the girl) was one of two identical twins. They were born at 26 weeks.  Her sister didn't make it.  But we thank God that we did not come home empty handed.  After having four children that requires special needs... I can't believe God gave us identical twins." 

These parents truly are special....

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