Saturday, November 08, 2014

"9-1-1, I'd like to report a kidnapping"

We never think it'll happen to us... or to someone we know.  This only happens on TV, or to people in the mid-West like Michigan or Kentucky.  But when it does hit home (prayerfully, it won't), what would you do??

Had a disturbing dream last night -- I was trying to move our Odyssey and park our Civic into a parking spot.  So while trying to park the Civic, I left the kids in the van with the car running.  After parking the Civic, I come out of the car and the van is gone.  Even in my dream... I'm vividly thinking: "No.  This isn't happening.  Wake up! This is a dream!"  But I couldn't wake up.

I run up and down the streets - screaming, "HELP! SOMEONE CALL 9-1-1.  MY KIDS HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" 

I struggle to get my phone out to call.  It was a Samsung, not an iPhone.  I try dialing 9-1-1, but I kept fumbling.  6-1-1.  9-2-2.  After 3 tries.... I finally went to Emergency Phone call mode.

Got on the line... had a voice on the other side and I told him, "I'd like to report a kidnapping." 

The voice says, "There's been about 10 calls on board already."

I thought, "Cool... other people did call in when I was screaming my head off."

Then I said, "My kids have been kidnapped.  They're in a greg Honda Odyssey."

The voice says, "There's a lot of those."

I said, "License plate starts with a 6.  That's all I remember."

Not sure what happened after that...... psychologists say we forget about 90% of our dreams every night.

What is the dream trying to tell me?? Is there some meaning behind it? Do I take it at face value?

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