Thursday, November 27, 2014


A recent survey says, that if you write down 5 things to give thanks for, daily, your health, well-being and spirit will be much more steady than otherwise.

As cynics, skeptics and general prima-donnas who think the world owes everything to us, we tend to complain and grumble.  And most easily, we complain when comparing to others.  So-and-so drives an M4.... I drive a friggin Civic!!  The effin' Seahawks did it to us again... at our home stadium!! 

While it's easy to compare and complain.... isn't it so much easier to compare and give thanks??

This afternoon during lunch, I sat down with the family and my kids ate lunch very calmly and orderly.  Our dear friend's daughter still has troubles chewing and swallowing consistently... she just holds the food in her mouth for 30 minutes.  Thank you Lord, for kids who can eat.

My co-workers just packed up their lives from the East Coast and is moving to Denver due to plant shutdown.  Some are going to try the long distance marriage.  Some are starting over with young kids.  Thank you Lord, for giving us stability and prosperity.

This evening, we had Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws.  One of Joyce's cousing is a divorcee raising two college kids. Thank you Lord, for blessing me with a wonderful marriage.

How easy it is to complain... yet... how easy it can be to give thanks. 

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