Saturday, November 01, 2014


Can you believe it...? 3 championships in 5 years.  And on the night that we win the final game of a best of 7 series, I did not have the guts to watch the game.

I come home...and I tell Joyce, "Let's turn it off.  We'll turn it back on at 8:30.  I don't want to ruin our family tonight." 

She dutifully turns off the TV and radio. 

I cook dinner... I cheat and check my phone.

I set the table... I cheat and check my phone.

We're about to start dinner... I excuse myself to the bathroom and sit down, checking my phone.  We go up 3-2!!!!! I come back out.

I sit down for dinner and say, "I can't do this..."

Joyce admonishes me and says, "Stop cheating.  We'll check at 8:30."  It was around 7 at that time.

The next 1.5 hour will be one of the longest hour and a half of my life.  Every 2 minutes... I would want to touch my phone. NO!! Two more minutes pass by, I'll look at my phone.  In my head, I can picture what's happening.  (The Royals are coming back!)  In my head, I start playing games with myself. (The Giants are busting this open!)

Slowly but surely... it creeps to 8PM.  We start getting the kids for bed.  Floss.  Brush.  Storytime.  I'm still looking and thinking about my phone.  Jonesing. Desparate.  Dying.  To only turn it on... select that ESPN App... and see the score.  It can't hurt.  I'll know the score... and go back to putting down the kids.  NO!! I promised.

"Can I check?"

"Just wait... it's almost 8:30.  Might as well wait till 9."

I'm sitting there... reading them their stories.  Joyce is outside doing who knows what.  Where is she?!? Is she checking the score?? Will she find out.... but not tell me??? Maybe she'll tell me if we're winning!! Maybe she won't tell me if we're losing.... She walks in, POKER FACE.  DARN HER!!!!

It's 8:20PM.  Time for bed Nui-nui.  I turn the lights off and lie down next to her.  It's 8:25.  5 more minutes.  Tick-tock.  Tick-tock.  Wait...what do I hear?? In a distance... Fireworks?? No... must be a motorcycle driving by.

8:26.  BOOM BOOM....fireworks again?? Could it be? Is the game over?? Are we celebrating?

8:27.  Fireworks stopped.  Why is time so slow?

I check my iPhone's clock.  It's 8:29!! The clock in the room is slow!!

8:30!! 8:30!! 8:30!! Finally turn on phone.  Fumbling stumbling bumbling....

Where's that app?? Why isn't it refreshing?!?  Why's it still showing the old score from 7PM??


And there it is.....the headline.... "Giants hold off Royals to capture World Series."

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