Thursday, November 06, 2014


Every 10-12 months... I have a vivid dream of grandma (mom's mom).  And each time, the dream is about the same. These are not outrageous dreams and is deceivingly real. 

I'm in Hong Kong -- a land that's as foreign to me as Zimbabwe.  I struggle to find her, and each time, I'm trying to have a meal with her.

One year, I remember riding an elevator up a very small building... and finding her lying in bed.
Couple nights ago, I called her on the phone, asking her if she wants dim sum the next day.

I didn't really know Grandma.  She didn't raise me.  In my entire life, I spent maybe 1 calendar year with her.  Both times when she lived with us in San Francisco for 6 months each.  But the thought of her, the stories from mom, the stories from big bro.... created an aura of her.

One of my last memory of her was when we went back for her 100 birthday.  To celebrate that big day... mom, dad, uncle, Joyce and I took her out to dinner.  And we ordered fish, because she likes fish.  At 100 years old... she ate amazingly well. Still using her chopsticks to pick out the bones from the fish.   I think the very last time I saw her was making a final visit to her at the old people's home. 

She walked me and Joyce out... waved us to go. And we never turned back. 

"婆婆, 孫仔好掛住妳。"

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