Friday, December 29, 2017

Counting down the days...

As the days, hours, minutes, seconds tick by... we slowly bid 2017 farewell.  But not before the whole family gets hit with the flu.  Since the stomach virus a couple of weeks ago, our family has been sick for one thing after another.   This week, it couldn't escape us. 

When life gives you lemon, make lemonade.  Though we've been home during the entire shutdown, we've completely made the most out of everything.

  • We finished three 500 piece puzzles... on our way to completing the fourth one.
  • I bought SW Lego-Star Wars on the Wii... supposedly so I can have some father/son time going through mindless missions.  Turns out Mom/SW are enjoying it more than me.
  • We've eaten very light...cuz none of us have much of an appetite.
  • Nn and I have read a couple of books together. 
  • Nn finished her Christmas Lego set (600+ pieces!!)
  • We played with some of their Christmas presents, like making slime...just to see it get all over their clothes
  • We finally got basic cable TV, so Bah-B can watch some sports on TV....
  • We're completely entrenched in Puzzle Fighter on the iOS
Great family bonding time.... Thank you Jesus!!! 

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