Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Food Poisoning never felt so bad....

Ohhhhh food poisoning hit our family hard today.

At around 2:30PM, we get a call from school saying SW threw up - twice.  As I'm driving and talking to Joyce, we wonder if it's something we ate.  Right away... we think it's the leftover pasta we gave them for lunch.  But nn and Joyce also ate it and were fine.  I didn't eat lunch today cuz I was too busy....

I picked up SW.... he was wearing leftover/lost and found clothes.  His clothes were a mess.  His face was green.  We got in the car and on the way home, he threw up in the car again. 

About an hour after we got home.... NN starts complaining of a tummy ache.  Then she starts  throwing up.  On the phone, Joyce says she wants to throw up.  Oh geez... that's it.  Leftovers.  That's gotta be it. 

If I didn't learn my lesson last time when I got sick.  I learned my lesson now.  No more.  And even as my kids were yacking their brains out... I'm here thinking, well... maybe 2 days leftover.  I'll draw the limit at 2 days.  Horrible, I am.

Then the thought occurred to me... maybe it's the dinner we had last night!! So I called the Yu's... and lo and behold, they also got sick and have been throwing up.  Joyce wants to go back one more day to the Eden Christmas party.  A couple of people were sick.... but the majority were fine.  It had to have been Sunday Night dinner.

Why wasn't I sick?? Am I that much stronger?? Is it because I sterilize myself with plenty of alcohol? (heh.. heh.. heh..).  As we're talking, we start realizing that there was one dish I did not eat, and SW ate a lot of.  Which is probably why he's the most ill of everyone else. 

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... it's 2AM in the morning.  Just cleaned up the pillow case, SW's clothes, and the bedsheets.  He was sleeping in his own "stuff" for the past couple of hours and didn't even know it.  Their room stinks like a garbage dump.  And I'm wondering.... I'm doing all this cleaning without gloves.  SH*T!!!  (literally and figuratively). Hopefully I don't catch this bug!!!!

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