Saturday, December 16, 2017

Food poisoning never felt so bad.... Part 3

In the end... it's only fitting I make this a Trilogy and end with Episode 3.

I never once doubted whether or not I'll go out.  I packed a bunch of plastic bags for the road and was gonna bring a pair of boxers / jeans in case I had an accident.  No way I was gonna miss Episode 8 on the account of some stupid stomach virus.  Only things that was stopping me were the family being too sick for me to leave (thankfully everyone was semi-recovered) and 2 hours of freakin traffic driving up to SF!!!

OMG.................. picked up Anderson around 5:20....and we didn't make it up there till 7:20.  Luckily the movie starts at 7:40PM.  And unlike previous episodes, we got pre-selected seats.  So no waiting in line to fight for crappy seats.

Phew...... and alas..... after I make one last pit-stop at a public bathroom (just to be safe).  After I get nice and comfy in my reclined seat with leg rest (overrated).  Here it was.....

The lights dimmed.

"Lucas Films"

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...."

And then.................BOOM......  STAR WARS logo with John Williams music. At that moment, everything was perfect.  For 2.5 hours all sickness went away.  Until.............. SPOILER ALERT.....
we realized the movie sucked... and I really wanted to puke.

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