Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Shopping DNA

For a new school year... 爺爺 gave NN and SW $100 to spend on anything.  Joyce and I usually pocket this money and spend it on supplies or stick it in their piggy bank.  Seeing how I have to watch the kids the last two days... I decided to take them on a shopping spree at Target.

Me: "NN, SW.  You guys can buy whatever you want with the 利是爺爺 gave you."

NN & SW, "What's our budget??"  (what's our budget??!?!? Where did you learn to talk like that???)

Me: "Around $50.  But you can go over too...."  (I'm holding back, obviously)

After about 5 minutes of observing.... the two are obviously excited but they don't know what to do!! They've never had the experience of buying whatever they wanted. 

Siu Wah:
SW walks up and down the aisles aimlessly and ended up getting a laser tag toy.  It costs $39.99.  Then he found a book.  He's happy.  He just wants to sit in the shopping cart and read.  DONE.  
Nui Nui:
She goes for the Lego's right away.  After 5 minutes... you can see her doing price comparison.  I see her grab box after box of Lego's and running to the scanner to scan the price.  I finally asked her what she's doing. 
To which she says, "I'm trying to find the cheapest one."  (I started tearing up... my little NN.... I've trained her over the years that we're poor.  To a point when I want her to spend, her natural inclination is to still save money).   So I tell her.... 
"Get what you want.  If it's over $50, that's OK."  
Finally she picks something around $25.  And she's happy... until.... 
"Bah-B.... if we don't spend all $50, can I buy more than 1 gift??"  (Oh.... she's a little conniving one.
"Yes, you may." 
She runs up and and down the aisle a few times, looking for another toy.  Then she comes back and asks. 
"Bah-B.... since Siu Wah didn't spend his $50, can we combine the money and buy one gift that we both like?" (Oh.... negotiating.  And using her political savviness.
"So you can buy something for mama??" (testing her
"No...for me and Siu Wah." (failed!!!!
"Maybe... let's see what you get." 
She goes up and down the aisles a few more times.  Still undecided.  Then she comes back and says, let's go to the art section.  We get to the art section and spend 5 minutes there, walking up and down the aisle.  Until finally... finally she begrudgingly selects something.  
And all this time.... Siu Wah is content with his first gift.  And is still reading his book.

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