Monday, August 06, 2018

Looking back at 2007....

So I just noticed.... that this year (2018), I've written more blog entries through July, than in the previous two years.  I wonder why?!?!?  And in my searching... I come across a post I made in 2007, the year where I made 140 blog entires?!?!   One of the more interesting on was my reflection of 2002, 2003 and 2004 using the following format.  Which I will do, for 2018.   This only works if you write what first comes to mind.

I am: getting old
I think: I can achieve greater things, but time is passing by too fast
I know: I can achieve greater things, if I can travel back in time
I want: SW to grow taller
I have: a beautiful family
I wish: I can travel back in time
I hate: that guy in the White House
I miss: the days when we drive out to Giants games... come back late... and head to work the next day
I fear: that I will never achieve my own ambitions
I hear: worship music from my kids' room
I wonder: if I will ever leave my current company
I regret: not getting that ONE question right during that ONE interview
I love: my wife
I ache: in my back and legs after a weekend of working in the yard
I care: too much about my church
I always: find fault in others, but never in myself
I am not: the person you think I am
I dance: and strained a muscle
I sing: 80's cantopop... and I love it
I cry: when I read my old blog posts
I do not always: do TWA
I fight: the wrong battles
I write: my blogs... not because people read them, but because I read them
I win: when another person accepts Jesus as their personal savior
I lose: when I make that sound to my wife "Tsk!"
I confuse: my kids when I can go from Happy Dad to Angry Dad in a split second
I listen: to God's voice....
I can usually be found: with my phone in my hand
I need: to sever this addiction I have with my phone
I am happy about: the independence of my current job
I should: start working out again and lose this beer belly

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