Sunday, August 05, 2018

Short Term Mission

There's been several short term missions lately at my church.... Vietnam, Mexicali, San Francisco!! (my hood).

I've never been... nor do I envision myself going on a STM anytime soon.  But here I am... at the end of summer, and I just finished my own personal local 5 week STM - serving in Children Sunday School.

The 5 weeks came and went.  And I can say... I'm still alive and not actively hating it.  But it did come with a cost.  I missed out 5 weeks of family lunches.  I gave up other ministries to work on this one, since I made a promise.  I did lose personal time planning out the lessons.  And ohhh yes... I had to deal with those kids.  Those brats. Those twerps that need a little discipline from Teacher Henry.

I blogged about this already... but during this STM, I was able to witness Teacher Amy - a true pillar of SJCAC.  30 years, non-stop, she's taught Children Sunday School.  Rumor has it... she's about to call it quits.  I don't know if there'll be another Teacher Amy.  Her love... her passion... her dedication.  Unparalleled.

During this STM.... I found out that some of the brats and twerps that were disobedient and rude... actually has some developmental issues.  ADHD, Autism, Aspergers.... the list goes on and on... (and I just realized they all start with "A").  These kids... they don't know what they're doing.  My heart goes out to their parents.

During this STM... I realized how well behaved and rooted my two kids are.  The last week, Joyce had a sister's group and couldn't take them to lunch.  So they ended up with me.  And you can see a notable difference in their demeanor, their behavior, the way they will actually sing outloud and dance with you.  I won't say they have a bigger heart for Jesus because....

During this STM... I had a chance to introduce the Holy Spirit to the children.  They've probably heard of Him before.  And at the end of my story telling, when I asked "Who wants to receive the Holy Spirit?"  They all raised their hands.  (AMEN!)

During this STM... I saw with my own two eyes, the power of prayer.  SW got sick, got a tummy ache, during today's Sunday School.  I took the opportunity to pray for him... along side with all the kids.  In the name of Jesus... we blessed him.  Not once, not twice, but thrice.  And on the third time, I asked two boys that were his age to come pray for SW.  Simple prayers. Nothing long... nothing eloquent.  But it needn't be.  These kids..... these brats.... they're prayer warriors and prophets.

During this STM... I was blessed to be able to serve with C-lai Chan and C-lai Tsang. Two of my most favorite people in the world.  Even for that short 45 minutes - 1 hour.  Love my sisters....

During this STM... I made a bunch of mistakes.  Including the science experiment gone wrong... including going off the wrong direction as my fellow teachers.  As well as over-relying on technology to be my crutch.

During this STM... I once again established the fact that OBEDIENCE trumps PASSION. I don't have a passion to serve in Children Ministry. But I will be obedient to my Father when He calls me.  And when I do... He will bless me in ways I can not imagine.

During this STM... I almost, just ALMOST, think that Children Ministry ain't so bad.  I can do this.

After this STM... I snap out of it and realize.  HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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