Wednesday, September 26, 2018


About 10 years ago... Marvel Studios launched a campaign called MCU or Marvel Cinematic Universe.... where all the major superheroes from Marvel comics (Iron Man, Captain American, Hulk, Thor, etc....) were all in the same universe, same timeline and cross-over storylines. 

DC comics recently tried to do this with Batman vs Superman.  And then the introduction of Wonder Woman and Aqua-Man. 

Well... as it turns out.... the Old Testament is also a cross-over universe. 

I've read the bible many years... .but this year, instead of our church TWA, Joyce did the Chronological Bible plan.  And as we found out... a bunch of the prophets in the Old Testament actually appear in the same time span.  Like when Nehemiah was building his wall... Ezra would be down the street doing something with someone.  And don't be surprised if Isaiah walks by in the background!! 

Very amusing.... and quite revealing.  Wonder why the original bible-makers did the chapters and verses the way they planned it out.  People say the bible, the Word of God, is flawless.... and it's people who read it that are flawed.  Sometimes... I can't help but wonder................

Saturday, September 22, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Return

We killed it... again...

I came up with the script the day after we met about Operation: AOL.  I was so excited... I couldn't help but text the ensemble, "We're back!!!"

The script: that same night... I typed the script and sent it out.  Got a lot of feedback saying it was too "dark" and I needed to lighten things up. (fine fine....)  Maybe deep down... I'm a dark and resentful person that's only personified in a play or skit. Hmmm.....

The music: No singing this time... just a bunch of background music that really made a difference.  My dear sister was so flustered.  She must've been ultra busy with work and life.... but as always...  came through.  I can't say enough about her..... she is simply amazing in everything she does.  No complaints.  Delivers at 110%.  And does it..... with a smile.  I love this Sis. One day, I might even dedicate a blog post just for her. That's how much I admire her.

The cast:  We tried to add another member to the ensemble... but he refused, saying he didn't want to disrupt a good-thing.  It's not a good-thing, it's a great thing.  The actors did everything on cue.  Even the Little Brother who didn't have a line.  He was perfect.  As Edward puts it... we can be like "愛回家" and as I would put it, we are  "愛神家."

The nightmare: I already wrote about my nightmare on a previous blog.  But the perfectionist inside me can't help but notice all the blemishes in the performance.  99% of the people will applaud us.  But 1% (perhaps it's me) will notice things we could always improve upon.  The lighting, the mic, the execution.... ARGH!!!! Why am I so petty?!?!?

And really.... REALLY.... none of this matters.  What matters, is we were able to deliver a message to get people to volunteer for Operation: AOL.  And if this little skit was able to get ONE more person to sign up.... then we accomplished our goal.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


I have an older brother... that's it.

I've always loved my brother and thank the Lord for blessing me with this sibling.  He's been my hero, my role model, my best friend all my life.  Yet.... I've always wanted more.  I've always wanted other siblings.

When I married Joyce.... I was able to adopt Grace as my sister-in-law.  I've always called her "阿妹." But no matter how hard I try... she's still my sister- IN-LAW.

I have a 堂家姐 and 堂世老 in New York.  But my 堂世老 is more ABC than me.  He won't understand the relationship.

I loved having the opportunity to say the words, "家姐."  Cuz I've always wanted an older sister, a womanly figure, in my life.  To teach me about being a gentleman, to teach me how to treat women well.  I wrote a blog many years ago about this special moment.

In a week, I will have my 堂妹 visit us and stay with us.  We've been exchanging texts via WeChat the past few days to plan her stay.  Via texting....she'll write Henry哥哥 or 哥.  But I melted like butter when I heard her record a message in WeChat and she called me, "哥!"

No one has ever called me that.  My 堂世老 calls me Henry.  My "sister"-in-law calls me Henry or 姨丈."   In my point of reference, the word "哥" is reserved for the most special person in the family that everyone respects and looks up to.  And today.... I experienced that calling.

Can't wait for Cherie to come visit us so I can hear that in person.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Just dem verses....

Ever since we started doing TWA - our church's Bible in a Year plan, we come across the same bible verses on the same, every year. ( Yes - Feb 29th does not have any bible verses.)

For my birthday.... are the verses from the Book of Job:
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.”

And on my wedding anniversary, every year I see:
"Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. "

To have and to hold... from this day forward... for better for worse......... until death do us part.  Those aren't words to take lightly.  It's not just a vow.... it's a covenant with God.  I love my wife.  Happy Anniversary honey bunny. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

"It's this generation...."

We had a church Children Ministry meeting tonight.  And part of meeting was breaking up into groups to share what our dream Children Ministry would look like.

It's a little disheartening... that our children sunday school and saturday activities now are always a Youtube video.  We no longer have our children open up their bible.  Long gone are the days where children carry a bible to church....

My comment was.... "teaching children how to flip the bible at home."

The discuss led to, "Do adults open their bibles during service??"

I got so pissed at that point, I couldn't help myself and shot back, "Does that make it right?"

And the discussion evolved to, "It's this generation."

To which I replied again, "Does that make it right?!"

Everyone knew the answer.  I was dumb-struck.  It's almost like... it's OK to make that compromise.  I know, deep down, that's not what we want.... We need to reclaim this generation.

We are now teaching our children, that the biblical truths are found in Youtube videos.  What will they do when they grow up??? They'll search youtube for their devotional time with God????

How troubled this generation has become......

Saturday, September 15, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Reunion... the Scare

It's been 4 months since "The Lost Sons" production came to an end.  Here and there, I still get comments (generally compliments) about the show.  Last night, we finally had our long awaited and much deserved after-party celebration. Really felt like a family reunion.... and it was hilarious seeing everyone call each other by their stage name.

Then we got serious and we started rehearsing for Sunday's production.  It was simply too much fun!!  Even NN couldn't stop laughing.

Then it got REALLY serious.  Last night, I had the worst nightmare I've had since as long as I can remember.

I was standing on sanctuary stage... with the entire CS looking at me... waiting for us to go live when I realized, "Crap!! Forgot to download the slides and music onto the computer." So I jump off the stage, run to the back and grab the keyboard.  I try logging into my Gmail account, so I can access Google Drive -- knowing full well that's not the latest version.  But not matter how many times I tried, the password didn't work!  Then I tried another computer... kept trying.  I logged into but the files weren't there!  I've never seen this interface!! Here I'm thinking, "Move onto announcements...this is dead silence... this isn't good."  But the entire congregation kept waiting.... and I kept trying.  (then it got weird).  
Somehow, the music started playing... but the actors weren't on stage, but they were playing parts of a Disney movie to simulate the action.  I was sweating bullets. What now!?!?  And then before I know it... the service is over.  Everyone came to the service, waited for me to find the file, and even PAL didn't get to deliver his sermon. 
I was so downtrodden... I walked out in shame.  I wasn't even sure where I walked to.  I only had my backpack and I just kept walking.  I needed to calm down and find my own space.  (As I'm typing this, I'm already forgetting 90% of the dream.)  I end up in some store somewhere... where I have to eat lunch.  And I know, that Joyce and the kids are probably having lunch somewhere or looking for me.  I walk past a lot of stores and shops... and I come across an apartment building and in the front of the door are three middle aged Chinese ladies selling "crazy pineapples" - pineapple slices that are roasted and sprinkled with cinnamon.  I take a picture with my phone and line up to pay for one when they said they were closing.  I check my watch, it's 3PM, I better head back.
In my mind... I kept saying to myself, I need to apologize to PAL, I need to apologize to PAL.  
When I got back to church... it was different.  The entire place was now underconstruction.  I was walking through a remodeled shell of our church.... walking on bare feet!!  I even remember stepping on something sharp.  "Where's PAL? I need to apologize."  And I see Leonora from afar, having a picnic lunch with some folks -- I knew I was in the right spot.
And that's all I can remember..... 

Wow.... truly 走火入魔.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Blue Sky Sunday.... partial recap....

Earlier this week... we wrapped up our first, ever CS Outdoor Worship service.... something we coined Blue Sky Sunday. 

MAN.... did that take a lot of work.
MAN.... was that thing expensive!!
MAN... was it worth it. 

We initially estimated 300....we ended up with near 400. 

We initially thought to have Hody and Joyce take our kids on a nature hike.  We ended up with a "Kids Church" for 70 kids (that required 16 adults and 9 youths). 

We initially thought a guitar or two for worship.  We ended up with a full band decked out with speakers, keyboard, guitar, drums.

We initially thought we'll start worship at 9:45 because we expect people to be late.  We ended up starting at 9:30...our usual start time because everyone was on time, if not early.

We initially thought we had too much food.  Praise God....we had too much food. HA!!!

After days of countless texting and numerous chat groups.... on the night before the event... it was eerily quiet.  No texting... no planning.  We were ready.  I got so restless... I ended up sending Roy a text, "This is what we need to do, when we go church planting." 


Saturday, September 01, 2018


My friend at work ended our IM yesterday with "ttyl."

Half-jokingly, I couldn't help but shoot back at her, "That's so 90's!  No one does "ttyl" anymore." 

Then we went on a 30 minute research project on whether or not my half-joke was actually true!!

So I looked up all my Whatsapp chats, and found 2 instances of "ttyl" in 2018 (from the same person).  And 3 from 2017.  I looked up all my work IM's and found only 1 "ttyl" -- this co-worker. 
We interviewed a few other colleagues and came to the same conclusions.

Finally found an article online that says, "brb" and "ttyl" are dying AOL-era phrases, because nowadays, we are always connected and always online.  The fact that we say we'll talk to you later, means we're going to go away for a indeterminate amount of time.

That.... or we're just getting more and more rude.