Friday, August 30, 2019

Still looking...

A few weeks ago... I was famished.  So I bought a bucket of KFC and scarfed down 4 pieces.  Not long after... I felt so sick.  Was in that tricky spot between hurling and fainting and being lackluster the entire afternoon.

Fast forward a few weeks... I did this again.  Only, this was at Popeyes.  Did I learn my lesson?? Heck no!!  This time, I was trapped between hurling, joint pains and being lackadaisical. 

Conclusion.... cuz life is about drawing conclusions... I need to find the next Fried Chicken place that'll let me down 4 pieces without feeling sick.  

Thursday, August 29, 2019


How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles
In laughter, in strife?

In truth that she learns
Or in times that he cried
In bridges he burned
Or the way that she dies

It's time now to sing out
Though the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends

*chuckle*  sigh..... *chuckle some more*

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International News

I haven't been paying much attention to the Hong Kong protests.  Nor have I been keeping up with the Trade Wars... but I'm enamored by the news of China opening it's first Costco!!!!  I will never complain again... Hehe..

Image result for costco china

Image result for costco china

Image result for costco china

Sunday, August 25, 2019


一家人飯後散步是一件又健康, 又溫馨的事.  可是, 最近我們的散步演變成我當馬夫他們三個坐在冷氣車箱內一家人到處捉怪獸。 去gym? 去raid? 去搵Poke-stop? 甚至乎為咗生蛋,要我漫無目的的地左兜右兜,為咗是要多一兩公里的步行。多麼無聊,但10分溫馨!

Saturday, August 24, 2019


After 5 official years of Children Ministry... we finally took the plunge and enrolled NN and SW into Awana. You drive around the Bay Area and 9 out of 10 churches have a giant sign hung out in the front offering this program - not our church.  I never got the full reason why.  Anecdotally, I've heard that because it uses an award system and could systematically ostracize our kid for not memorizing verses, it didn't fit into our church's DNA.  Well... after many years of evolution and trial and error... we felt it was time to step out.

Still too early to tell if I like this program.  And each church does things differently.  Of course, I did a bunch of online research.  And at tonight's parent orientation night, I was perfectly fine with the principles that were described - up until the "Award" section.  The kids eyes grew as big as pepperoni's. Call it reward system... call it motivation and encouragement... call it whatever you want... my gut twisted when they described the "Awana Bucks" and the different awards you can get.

Can't deny though... that the kids were engaged. And if it leads to more bible reading, scriptural discussion and even memorization... who am I to stand in it's way? NN is an academic overachiever.  She'll be fine.  SW... though not as ambitious...will hold his own.  But is this truly the right move?

The heart melting thing is... SW arrived..  and he found his friend right away.  He was as happy as a clam.  NN on the other hand... just missed "the crowd."  She was the only 5th grader.  Turns out a bunch of folks graduated into youth last year... and the upcoming group are only 3rd grade girls.  Once again... we missed the year of having kids.  When everyone had boys... we had NN.  When everyone had girls... we had SW.  How precious it'll be when both of them can find peers that they can struggle with, triumph with, grow up with.

God... will you provide??

Friday, August 23, 2019

"Why so serious?"

Sitting around a dinner table... playing an ice-breaking game of answering a simple question.  Why put so much thought into it? Why care about how people will judge you? Why care about measuring up to everyone else's answers? I am who I am... and I am a child of God.

Some sample questions during the dinner...

  • Toilet paper - over or under? Over! 
  • Toothpaste - squeeze from middle or the end? The end - so my wife can have the pleasure of squeezing from the middle. 
  • Last meal on earth with $20, what would you get? - Big Mac Meal at McD's with stinky tofu from Hong Kong
  • What is your Favorite movie? - the Notebook (that wasn't my answer, but that became the running joke)
  • What is ONE super power you would pick? - superhuman ability to love (followed by ability to heal, because someone's daughter is autistic, followed by ability to provide basic means to 3rd world country, followed by time travel...)
  • What's your favorite ride - the original batmobile from the Adam West TV Show 
  • What's your happiest time of life - 16, full blown puberty, beginning to be sure of my self, finding out the opposite gender isn't as disgusting (and vice versa).  
My favorite question... which gave me a chance to provide my favorite answer
  • What makes you happy? - Seeing people come to the Lord and accepting Jesus.  
My genuine answer.  Which opened the doors for others to share and witness.  Was it inappropriate proselytizing at a workplace environment.  Maybe... or it was just my answer, because that's who I am.  An equally good answer - because it comes from the heart, and because really, almost anyone can identify with... "When I'm riding on a swing."  

What an answer...  So pure.  So true.  So simple.  Yet... so hard to achieve.  Funny though... that answer who never have made it out.  Either we truly have no time to have fun and be happy anymore.  Or we're too worried people will say "That's dumb" or "That's childish."  To which my final question to the table will be.... "Why so serious???" 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A breath of fresh air...

There’s been a major change at work recently. I walk into the men’s room... and omg... it smells “fresh!!” Almost like walking into a Ladies Room. (Heh...) Turns out, we’ve installed a bunch of air fresheners in there - including each stall!!!!  Underneath each TP dispenser is a motion activated air freshener. I’m mildly amused... and highly appreciative.

Oh... and another year... Kinda puts things into perspective, aside from family, how many people sent me a message.  Can count them all on one hand.. 

“我赤身出於母胎, 也必赤身歸去。 
~約伯記‬ ‭1:21‬ ‭CNV‬‬

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Man's Best Friend

Yesterday morning... as I was pulling out of the driveway, I saw a blur of yellow dash behind my car.  My first reaction... is it a mountain lion? Gotta get the kids to safety.  Turns out.. .the blur that I almost hit is a Labrador - with no collar.  What's a dog doing in my neighborhood without a collar?

If this was a cat... I wouldn't think twice about it... but for some reason, I stopped, got out, and instinctively reached out my hand so the dog can sniff me.  Not that I can tell or anything...but the dog looked old.  Specks of white shining out of the coat of gold.  The kids came out and got so excited it scared the dog... so I told them to run back inside to get mommy to bring out a dish of water.

Upon closer look... you can literally see the rib cage sticking out.  Further signs she's a stray... that hasn't eaten in a while.  But why? Where? And why was it so clean? NN noticed her nails need filing... I have no idea what that means.  I have no idea what to do.  Call animal control? Call a pound? Bring the dog inside and post pictures on NextDoor? What if the owner isn't a user? What if the owner... is "in-transition" and doesn't have a home?

We're not dog people so we ran across the street and explained the situation to our neighbor who owns a dog.  She knew exactly what to do.  The moment she led the dog away... I wanted to stop her.  As if this wasn't suppose to happen.

When we drove away to lunch, the kids kept saying the dog was sent by God.  They came up with a dozen names for her.  And started saying that for Christmas, that's all they want.  Then it became more creative... for MY birthday, they'll get ME a dog.  In all honesty... my heart was moved.  My mind was thinking... maybe this IS a sign.  Maybe this dog was meant for us.  She's an older dog... meaning she's due to die soon.  But since we don't have a strong emotional attachment, no big deal? I started thinking of the bills racking up from the vet.  I started thinking walking the dog later that afternoon and having to pick up poop.  I thought about stopping by Costco... and finally becoming a true red-blooded American by spending gobs and gobs of money on dog food and cat litter.  In that waking moment... Joyce says, "We can't take care of her."  And she's right.

During lunch, I get a text from our neighbor saying the dog is doing well... asleep on the rug.  And a couple hours later... she texts me again saying they've found the owner.  But for those couple of hours... I think I was closer than ever to getting a dog.  To find what I've been longing for all these years... to find my best friend.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Back in my younger years... there was this toy, this fad called "Pogs."  Where you buy little circles about the size of a silver dollar.  You stack them up... and you slam them with your "Slammer."  If they're flipped one side, you keep them.  If you they're flip the other side, your opponent keeps it.  Not since Pogs, have I faced a toy so utterly imbecilic!!!  That toy... is Beyblades. 

They've been around a few years... but I think with the animated series, it's picked up a second wind.  Or maybe, it's appealing to boys around the age of 8.  Course... we're not going to spend $10-$20 on these little tops.. just so we can watch them spin.  That hasn't stopped the kids though.  They're thoroughly impressing me... to a point where they've busted out with their old lego sets and started creating their own Beyblades.  A $100 lego set, which SW hasn't even opened... finally has the seal broken. 

And the best part is... SW's dad is getting into it with them.  Neither SW or I are Lego maniacs.  We don't like it... we don't build it.  But when it came to building our ad-hoc Beyblades... we were digging through the boxes of leftover lego's unleashing creativity I never knew we had.

The worst part is... no matter how hard I try... I can't build a Beyblade that can beat SW's Champion. =) 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


我自問與小孩子沒有緣份。 有很多人都認為我與小朋友很投契, 很受歡迎. 但這只是軀殼沒有內涵。 我不是討厭小朋友, 只是他們很快就吸納了我的精神, 我的精力, 我的耐性。有得選擇, 我是不會與小孩子一起玩耍的. 甚至乎是自己的親戚, 外甥, 或侄兒。真是不知道我我怎樣能養大家中兩位小寶貝。

昨天, 哥哥有事的緣故, 我有機會與侄兒共度4小時的時刻。 起初是出於責任。 當我在YMCA與哥哥道別的時候, 發覺要與侄兒一起坐25分鐘. 我突然心跳加速, 心不耐煩,很想帶他到一個小樂園消磨時間。最好就是不用我費心去娛樂他。到了最後都是坐在椅子地等。怎料侄兒非常生性。比起一般三歲大的小男孩定得很。他不會嘈雜, 不會喊悶,很端正地坐在位置觀察四周圍的環境. 我有與他說笑與他唱歌與他玩,他只會哈哈大笑, 帶給我無窮的喜樂。 坐在泳池旁邊, 當水撥到我的腳, 令我當然警醒「血濃於水」這四個字。坐在我身邊的不是我親生兒子, 豁達的說, 他是我梁家的骨肉, 也是我的骨肉。 這份親切咁是無法形容的。 隨了{{小天使}}之外, 這是我第一次諗, 我們應否生第三個。(苦笑)

游泳之後與他更衣, 帶侄兒回家首次與他獨自進晚膳, 與他玩耍。他沒有投訴, 沒有大喊大叫, 有沒有半分令到我討厭。侄兒玩得樂極忘形,在他的小世界內他小小的玩具兩三本的連環圖就是他的Happiest Place on Earth!!

當然, 我每隔幾分鐘就望一望我的錶, 等哥哥回家。就好像, 看着牆上的油漆凝固, 看着前院的綠草生長, 漫長的時間終於到到高潮,哥哥終於回家。 與侄兒共渡4小時是非常之快樂, 但是不及得能夠將一條小生命, 完完整整交回他的父母, 那份感覺快樂。

愕然地. 當哥哥一回家, 首要做的就是將iPad交給侄兒讓他看YouTube。早知是這樣我就不會那麼辛苦了!! 經一事, 長一智。 我下次知點做!

唉..... 生第三個?? 回憶起當天的歡笑, 是光陰沖洗不去, 在這一生中 這一生中沉醉...

Saturday, August 10, 2019


It's taboo to talk about it.  And it's taboo to ignore it.  I don't know what to do anymore... and it's hitting me smack in the face.

A few months ago... I found out that a childhood friend of mine is now living with a partner.

Yesterday... NN tells me that one of her camp counselors recently broke up with her girlfriend.

And lastly... NN tells me that one time, she was playing Truth or Dare... and they dared one of her girl friends to list out who they have a crush on.  Her girl friend listed out a bunch of boys... and a girl.

It's so real.... so so real.

Friday, August 09, 2019

Dodged a bullet

3 days later... all is quiet on the western front.  Some of the medical articles were right.  Your first contact with poison oak won't amount to much.  It's your second and third encounters where you'll have a strong reaction.  Other than a few bumps and some occasional itching... SW went relatively unscathed this time around.  But the next time... and I hope there won't be... it's probably gonna be bad.... ugh.... Bubble Boy? Or Danger Ranger?

How many times did Neo dodge the bullets?

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Playground Rules

There's this structure at the playground that's kinda like a zipline.  Kids grab hold of a handle bar and zip down this rail... until they hit the bumper at the end and bounce back.  Many playgrounds have this but this playground is different.  The starting point is angled higher, so there's an initial slanted drop that adds to the speed and hence forth momentum of the zipline. 

Kids, of course, want to play this.  For someone of smaller stature, they can possibly touch the handle bar at the tail end of the ride while standing on solid ground.  But as they push the bar up the rail... and as it starts angling up... the higher and higher it gets, to a point where even full grown adults can barely touch it. 

So I stood there... observing different sets of kids try to conquer this trickery. They try all sorts of things.  Including climbing on the rail itself... inching themselves down to the end of the rail... but when they get there, there aren't enough hands to hold onto the zipline handle and then inch back up the rail.  Some of them jump... and slap the handle up the rail... but they don't have enough time to run to the ledge and catch it.  So the handle naturally falls back into position... down stream.

Finally... these 3 girls figured something out.  Three girls... two medium sized and one small size.  They lift the small girl up... so she can grab the handle.  Then the two hold her feet and walk her up stream.  This solves the "height" problem.  Then... they take turns riding the zip line.  If it's the small girl... the two medium sized girl lets her fly.  If it's one of the medium sized girls' turn... the other medium sized girl holds up the small girl just long enough for the other one to climb the ramp and step on the ledge.  I was truly amazed.  I smiled.  These girls... they figured it out.  Playground rules... where you have to work together, get creative, solve the world's problems one at a time.

I don't see boys doing that... I simply don't.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Poison Oak - Day 2

Woke up at 6AM this morning to hop on a 6:30AM call.  After I was done... I open the door and Joyce was standing there waiting for me.  "SW has bumps on his legs."

And thus it begins....

Had to reschedule things left and right.  Then sped to Lucky's to get calamine, an extra ice pack and some snacks.

Poor kid's staying home with me... and here I am.  Working my butt off at home while he's enjoying Pokemon on TV.   We shall see....

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Poison Oak

"It's summer!! Let's go do an outdoors camp instead of all these VBS and Science camps!!"

I love it... I love the outdoors. I want my kids to appreciate nature and experience God's creation.  More so than I did when I was a kid.  And there's probably a good reason why... I never got infected with poison oak!!  Geez....

So not only does SW touch it.. he stepped all over it.  Both legs.  We had to throw his socks away.  Not sure what to do with his shoes.  According to the counselors... there's nothing to do, but wait.  You'll start seeing the reactions and bumps and rashes in 12-36 hours.  Geez.....

Hunkering down... waiting for the storm to hit.  Such a surreal feeling...

Saturday, August 03, 2019

In memory of...

Today was Helena's Memorial Service.  I was honored to be asked to read from Scriptures, translate the sermon and translate the Eulogy.

I met Helena in 2016... when she came to our church.  Her son flew down from Canada to accompany her mom as she went through surgery and subsequently cancer treatment.  I was able to befriend Whitman... and came to know Helena.  I never got to know her well.  But she was always the mother of my friend... which made her so much closer.  Over the years... I saw her grow in Christ.  Her faith.  Her love.  Her servant heart.  I was delighted to see her volunteer for the ESL ministry.  And I was blessed to have taught the Beginner's Sunday School class.

Late last year... after her cancer was in remission... she was rediagnosed.  Cancer came back.  I hate cancer.  I really do. I remember hearing about her.... and how she came to church the next day.  She was an instant celebrity.  Everyone went up to her... to ask of her well-being.  I went up to her.  And immediately embraced her... like she was my own mother.

During Gospel Sunday last year... she came out to share her testimony.  "I have no fear.  I know God is with me."  Her words echo like it was yesterday. "And I look forward to worshiping with you all again when I am healed."  That day... never came.  She came to our Sunday Service twice.  In a wheel chair.  She was half the person she use to be, physically.  But I can sense... her spirit was more than alive.

Last Saturday... she went home to be in the arms of our Abba Father.  Today... we bid our final farewells.  A rush of emotion came over me as I was standing there translating.  I was at a lost for words.  I couldn't think.  I couldn't speak.  I couldn't do it.  I pressed on... finished my job and sat back down.  Then came the eulogy.  I wasn't prepared for that.  Whitman came last minute and asked me to translate.  I did it in first person.  Speaking as if it was my turn... I couldn't hold it in.

Helena... I didn't know you well.  But I will never forget you.  Thank you for making a last imprint in my life.  Until we meet again....

Friday, August 02, 2019

Ready - Set - Hunt!!!

Last week while driving home, we started playing the alphabet game using the category fruits and veggies.  We got stuck in the letters "Q" and "U".... so on our way home, we stopped by a local supermarket to check out their produce section.  Since it was uber hot... and I didn't want to head home yet... I devised a scavenger hunt game and had the kids race to find me, first, two things that start with the letter "Q."  (Quakers and Quinoa). They ran up and down the aisles... rummaging through this and that.  Then I had them find something that starts with the letter "Z."  (Zesty and Zingers).  Finally... the ultimate challenge.  I handed them both a basket and had them go find something that begins with the letter of their first names.

Two years makes a huge difference.  NN immediately attacked the produce section.  We just finished the alphabet game and went shopping there.  She knows exactly what to look for, where.  SW on the other hand... was frustrated to the point of tears cuz he couldn't find something that starts with "U."

"It's not fair, daddy!"

NN...being the loving sister... finished her challenge, picked up SW's basket and helped out her little brother.  I grabbed SW's hand and started up and down the aisle with him... while he tried to hide his tears.  Awwwww.... my baby. =(

What does a father do at that point?? You turn yourself into the common enemy... so they forget they're competing against each other.  The final FINAL challenge... find 5 things, that begin the first letters of my name.

They had so much fun... they were planning the next Scavenger Hunt, which happened to be today.  I pick them up from Summer Camp and they wanted to head to Target to "play that game."  I thought SW meant he wanted to play with the Nintendo Switch there.  Turns out.. .they've been jonesing for another round of scavenger hunt.  I was running on near Empty already... didn't have the energy and focus to do this.  And boy was it taxing....

Target is so big... I easily lost them.  It was almost irresponsible.  NN is borderline old enuf... but SW???  And the store is sooooo big, they didn't know where to go to find things. Once again... two years make the biggest difference.  I ended up giving SW a lot of advice.  He really didn't know where to start looking... but wander aimlessly up and down the aisles.  So I said, "Where do you see a lot of gift cards?" "Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!"  And then "Pixar DVD".  "Where do you see a lot of DVD's?"  Immediately... it clicked and he ran to the DVD section.  Poor guy... he doesn't know what Pixar means.

Once again... NN won.  BUt as we were walking out... NN started saying that, "One thing I found out, there are signs above each aisle that give you clues."  SW said, "I didn't use those clues."  NN responded, "I didn't either, until it realized how much easier it was."

Who knew... this little game... is actually a school of hard knocks.

And dad.... I was exhausted.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Signs of Old Age

Someone once told me... that no matter how much plastic surgery you do to hide your age... just look at their hands and that'll tell you how old they are.  I'm gonna add to that... look at their feet. 

For whatever reason... modern society has made feet into something that's a little sacred or hidden or personal.  To a point where it can get mysterious. 

Today... I had the opportunity to put socks on for my mom.  She had an outpatient procedure (10 years ago - "Outpatient Surgery" and 20 years ago - "Surgery.")  When we left the recovery room... I took off her "Hospital Socks" that has all the traction and put on her regular socks.  Man.... her feet.  They've lost their "chubbiness." What were once chubby and healthy feet.... are now old, decrepit and skinny feet. What happened???

What happened?? Mom got old.  That's what happened.  Sigh....