Thursday, August 01, 2019

Signs of Old Age

Someone once told me... that no matter how much plastic surgery you do to hide your age... just look at their hands and that'll tell you how old they are.  I'm gonna add to that... look at their feet. 

For whatever reason... modern society has made feet into something that's a little sacred or hidden or personal.  To a point where it can get mysterious. 

Today... I had the opportunity to put socks on for my mom.  She had an outpatient procedure (10 years ago - "Outpatient Surgery" and 20 years ago - "Surgery.")  When we left the recovery room... I took off her "Hospital Socks" that has all the traction and put on her regular socks.  Man.... her feet.  They've lost their "chubbiness." What were once chubby and healthy feet.... are now old, decrepit and skinny feet. What happened???

What happened?? Mom got old.  That's what happened.  Sigh....

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