Saturday, August 03, 2019

In memory of...

Today was Helena's Memorial Service.  I was honored to be asked to read from Scriptures, translate the sermon and translate the Eulogy.

I met Helena in 2016... when she came to our church.  Her son flew down from Canada to accompany her mom as she went through surgery and subsequently cancer treatment.  I was able to befriend Whitman... and came to know Helena.  I never got to know her well.  But she was always the mother of my friend... which made her so much closer.  Over the years... I saw her grow in Christ.  Her faith.  Her love.  Her servant heart.  I was delighted to see her volunteer for the ESL ministry.  And I was blessed to have taught the Beginner's Sunday School class.

Late last year... after her cancer was in remission... she was rediagnosed.  Cancer came back.  I hate cancer.  I really do. I remember hearing about her.... and how she came to church the next day.  She was an instant celebrity.  Everyone went up to her... to ask of her well-being.  I went up to her.  And immediately embraced her... like she was my own mother.

During Gospel Sunday last year... she came out to share her testimony.  "I have no fear.  I know God is with me."  Her words echo like it was yesterday. "And I look forward to worshiping with you all again when I am healed."  That day... never came.  She came to our Sunday Service twice.  In a wheel chair.  She was half the person she use to be, physically.  But I can sense... her spirit was more than alive.

Last Saturday... she went home to be in the arms of our Abba Father.  Today... we bid our final farewells.  A rush of emotion came over me as I was standing there translating.  I was at a lost for words.  I couldn't think.  I couldn't speak.  I couldn't do it.  I pressed on... finished my job and sat back down.  Then came the eulogy.  I wasn't prepared for that.  Whitman came last minute and asked me to translate.  I did it in first person.  Speaking as if it was my turn... I couldn't hold it in.

Helena... I didn't know you well.  But I will never forget you.  Thank you for making a last imprint in my life.  Until we meet again....

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