Friday, August 23, 2019

"Why so serious?"

Sitting around a dinner table... playing an ice-breaking game of answering a simple question.  Why put so much thought into it? Why care about how people will judge you? Why care about measuring up to everyone else's answers? I am who I am... and I am a child of God.

Some sample questions during the dinner...

  • Toilet paper - over or under? Over! 
  • Toothpaste - squeeze from middle or the end? The end - so my wife can have the pleasure of squeezing from the middle. 
  • Last meal on earth with $20, what would you get? - Big Mac Meal at McD's with stinky tofu from Hong Kong
  • What is your Favorite movie? - the Notebook (that wasn't my answer, but that became the running joke)
  • What is ONE super power you would pick? - superhuman ability to love (followed by ability to heal, because someone's daughter is autistic, followed by ability to provide basic means to 3rd world country, followed by time travel...)
  • What's your favorite ride - the original batmobile from the Adam West TV Show 
  • What's your happiest time of life - 16, full blown puberty, beginning to be sure of my self, finding out the opposite gender isn't as disgusting (and vice versa).  
My favorite question... which gave me a chance to provide my favorite answer
  • What makes you happy? - Seeing people come to the Lord and accepting Jesus.  
My genuine answer.  Which opened the doors for others to share and witness.  Was it inappropriate proselytizing at a workplace environment.  Maybe... or it was just my answer, because that's who I am.  An equally good answer - because it comes from the heart, and because really, almost anyone can identify with... "When I'm riding on a swing."  

What an answer...  So pure.  So true.  So simple.  Yet... so hard to achieve.  Funny though... that answer who never have made it out.  Either we truly have no time to have fun and be happy anymore.  Or we're too worried people will say "That's dumb" or "That's childish."  To which my final question to the table will be.... "Why so serious???" 

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