Saturday, August 17, 2019


Back in my younger years... there was this toy, this fad called "Pogs."  Where you buy little circles about the size of a silver dollar.  You stack them up... and you slam them with your "Slammer."  If they're flipped one side, you keep them.  If you they're flip the other side, your opponent keeps it.  Not since Pogs, have I faced a toy so utterly imbecilic!!!  That toy... is Beyblades. 

They've been around a few years... but I think with the animated series, it's picked up a second wind.  Or maybe, it's appealing to boys around the age of 8.  Course... we're not going to spend $10-$20 on these little tops.. just so we can watch them spin.  That hasn't stopped the kids though.  They're thoroughly impressing me... to a point where they've busted out with their old lego sets and started creating their own Beyblades.  A $100 lego set, which SW hasn't even opened... finally has the seal broken. 

And the best part is... SW's dad is getting into it with them.  Neither SW or I are Lego maniacs.  We don't like it... we don't build it.  But when it came to building our ad-hoc Beyblades... we were digging through the boxes of leftover lego's unleashing creativity I never knew we had.

The worst part is... no matter how hard I try... I can't build a Beyblade that can beat SW's Champion. =) 

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