Saturday, August 24, 2019


After 5 official years of Children Ministry... we finally took the plunge and enrolled NN and SW into Awana. You drive around the Bay Area and 9 out of 10 churches have a giant sign hung out in the front offering this program - not our church.  I never got the full reason why.  Anecdotally, I've heard that because it uses an award system and could systematically ostracize our kid for not memorizing verses, it didn't fit into our church's DNA.  Well... after many years of evolution and trial and error... we felt it was time to step out.

Still too early to tell if I like this program.  And each church does things differently.  Of course, I did a bunch of online research.  And at tonight's parent orientation night, I was perfectly fine with the principles that were described - up until the "Award" section.  The kids eyes grew as big as pepperoni's. Call it reward system... call it motivation and encouragement... call it whatever you want... my gut twisted when they described the "Awana Bucks" and the different awards you can get.

Can't deny though... that the kids were engaged. And if it leads to more bible reading, scriptural discussion and even memorization... who am I to stand in it's way? NN is an academic overachiever.  She'll be fine.  SW... though not as ambitious...will hold his own.  But is this truly the right move?

The heart melting thing is... SW arrived..  and he found his friend right away.  He was as happy as a clam.  NN on the other hand... just missed "the crowd."  She was the only 5th grader.  Turns out a bunch of folks graduated into youth last year... and the upcoming group are only 3rd grade girls.  Once again... we missed the year of having kids.  When everyone had boys... we had NN.  When everyone had girls... we had SW.  How precious it'll be when both of them can find peers that they can struggle with, triumph with, grow up with.

God... will you provide??

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