Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Magic Moment

Disney has many things… pricey pretzels… insane serpentine lines… the cleaniest of clean… and of course, the one Disney Moment. Is it the magic? Is because you paid an arm and a leg and suddenly the ice cream tastes sweeter. The jokes are funnier. The princesses are prettier? Haven’t found our Disney moment yet… 

But what came close was certainly watching a young man get down on his knee to pop that one question. To which the lucky lady’s answer was… “What?! Did you know about this??” (see was asking her parents… who were smiling ear to ear). I think she was buying her time… who doesn’t live for a moment like this?

But what came close was... riding on Big Thunder Mountain... and the grandma sitting behind us was cackling and laughing with her granddaughter like she was a kid again.

But what came close was... the end of Fantasmic when Mickey rode out as steamboat Willie with a full cast of Disney characters on top of what was a fiery lake moments ago. 

Or perhaps... Disney World is so big and commericialized, the Magic Moment got lost in between those dozens and dozens of Disney Tram rides. 

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