Sunday, September 15, 2019

I don’t mean to complain but…

Our hotel texted me while I was in line… obviously pissed cuz, well, I was waiting in line.  They asked how I wanted to rate them out of 10.  So I gave them my honest feedback… 8 out of 10.   They quickly texted back and asked why.  I tell them the real reasons... Two minor blemishes.  No biggie.  So out of consolation… they apologized and credited me….. $20!

That night… I had a question.  The front desk pulls up my file and asks, “Does this have anything to do with the complaint earlier?? We gave you $20 already.”  Oh geez…

Then when I checked out… the lady said, “And we already took care of the little incident.  And we credited you $20.”  Wow…

After checking out… I get another text, “We’re sorry things didn’t go well.  Hope you noticed we credited you $20.”  Hehehehe… comical. 

And now... I really do have something to complain about.  But I wait till after I leave so I don't have to deal with the slap in the face. Oh no... 

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