Wednesday, September 04, 2019

When stars misaligned

This may have happened 1 other time in my entire life.  I was peeing today... and all of a sudden, I needed to sneeze!  It was a blur after.  I don't know what I ended up doing.  I was in the middle of a phat piss... so you can't just stop, like a water faucet.  If it goes.  So I tried to sneeze as gentle as possible... to exert as little force as possible to not disrupt the lower body.  I think I stopped peeing momentarily to ready myself for the sudden gush of air out of my nose.  But when you sneeze, your abdomen naturally flexes and pushes things outward... and things start coming out of any and all orifices.  Now that I think about it.. I'm kinda glad that pee didn't come out of my nose.

Hmm... I wonder if other people have blogged about this.  Maybe there's a name to this phenomenon.  Sneeze + pee = "snpeeze."    Pee + sneeze = "pneeze."  I'll work on it...

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