Sunday, September 01, 2019

Major Failure and Major Triumph

I've been so moody and loopy lately... I'm appalled at myself.

For some small and petty reason... I got really mad at SW.  To a point where I threatened to delete his Pokemon account.  He knows Bah-B very well... so he challenged me.  Saying I won't do it.  I really wasn't... and wouldn't... but because he challenged me, I didn't back down.  So I went all outs to make him think I deleted it.  It shattered him for the rest of the night... I broke my baby's heart.  And I wasn't about to give in....

After 30 minutes... NN came in and pleaded for her brother.  I stood pat and wasn't going to relent.  She said, "Ok.. .then you can delete my account too."

WOW!!!  Go Nui nui!!!  有骨氣!

She was just as sad.... to a point where, as I was putting her to bed... she said, "You deleted the app, but can we have our login? So we can play on mommy's phone." 

I said, "No.  You asked for it to be deleted, so I deleted." 

She said, "yeah... but I can't go through life enjoying the game knowing SW is miserable.  It doesn't make me happy, but it's the right thing to do."  (She was in tears.) 

My Nui-nui... so selfless.  She cares for her baby brother so much. 

I failed. She triumphed.   I need to learn from my daughter.

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