Monday, September 02, 2019

So tell me what you want what you really want...

"So tell me what you want what you really really want..."
"I'll tell you want I want what I really really want.."
Awana... Awana...
"I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah..."

2 weeks into Awana... and the kids are flourishing.  They WANT to finish their "TNT Assignments" and they're absolutely blowing me away with the memory verses.  It takes them an hour...if not minutes.. to memorize a bible verse.  And it's taking me an entire week.  Sigh... but I'm doing it!! 
My memory isn't what it use to be... but with enough practice and determination... I'm reclaiming what I missed out when I was a kid. 

Praise God!! 

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