Friday, October 04, 2019


Had the opportunity to step foot onto SJSU for Mock Interviews.  (題外話,一代不如一代)

Though I'm not an SJSU alum... there's just too many connections to not have a flood of emotions rush at me.  As I was leaving campus... was aimlessly led back to the College of Business.  Made a 90 degree turn and there it is... old faithful.  The monument.  The watch tower.  Our rendevous point for so many years. All those years of college outreach... this Wells Fargo ATM was where we'd always meet.  

About 20 feet away, was a block of cement I sat on with 文靜妹妹 during one of our outreach.  She just came back from Hong Kong and while we were sitting there waiting we suddenly saw a stack of steam come out from one of the boilers where I sarcastically said, "雲柱呀!"

To which she didn't miss a beat and said, "去囉."

這校園、這班房、這走廊、這禮堂... 告别时 是我心的家乡...

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