Saturday, October 19, 2019

LEAD Summit 2019

LEAD Summit officially came to a close today.  Some of my major takeaways....

  • Be present
  • If you haven't failed... you haven't risked
  • There are things that are unknown to me... that have hurt others
  • What are your "YES" moments?
  • And most importantly, "What a tragedy... when you spend all your life trying to climb that ladder of success, only to get to the top and realize the ladder has been leaned against the wrong wall."
Weeks and weeks of preparation.  This is definitely one of those events where I was not emotionally and spiritually vested.  I did it cuz I was asked.  And I certainly did not feel go all-in on this event.  It's hard... I was distracted... so much going on these days.

But personally... being able to Emcee this event... has brought newfound validation to my style.

  • Auntie Kin came up to me and said, "Have you thought about a 2nd career in stand up?"
  • One of the speakers made a point to come up to me and say, "I've been to many of these events.. but you have redefined the role of emcee-ing.  I have never seen someone connect with the audience like you."
  • Cheryl said, "How are you so funny? Is it natural?"
  • In our survey response, one person said, "The MC was amazing. Very smooth. Great job!"
  • Sandy said, "The speakers were all in awe!  They're not use to San Jose humor!  They never get this in Redding." (what is San Jose humor??"
  • Elder Daniel said, "Thank you for the weekend.  You were, like, the 8th speaker!"

I can eat all the humble pie in the world. But it feels so nice to be recognized.  Dunno how I do this... but I'm glad God put me in the position to do what I do.  

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