Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I made my daughter cry...

Been one of those weeks.  And today was one of those days.

It was my turn to pick up the kids cuz Joyce has afternoon meetings.  But around 2PM, I had a feeling the meeting was going to run long.. so I told Joyce we might have to send the kids to after care.  I should've, but didn't, send one extra text, "Can you let the school know?" 

When I got to school 30 minutes... the kids were angry and frustrated... for obvious reasons.  It turns out Joyce did not let the school know.. so the kids were just sitting at aftercare waiting.  They walk to the car and one of the parents came up to me and asked if NN was ok, she's crying.

I didn't know what happened... so I gently asked her. 

"You had me so scared and worried!!!" 

Ohhhhhhh.... NN.... Bah B is so sorry. =( 

I couldn't stop her from weeping and balling.  My little baby just lost it.... Shame on me, not for being late, cuz it happens.  Shame on me for not calling.  Sigh....

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