Friday, October 11, 2019

I can't help it!!

If you were to ask me... "What's one of my values that will lead to my downfall?" I gotta say... it's my sense of humor and my ability (or curse) of finding humor in all sorts of things.

Case in point... was laughing uncontrollably at {someone's} way of enunciating some words.  Not laughing at that {person}, just found it cute... and then I couldn't stop laughing at the fact I was laughing.

Case in point... was watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Joyce... and there were so many corny lines and cornier scenes.  Like how a person with a handgun can clean out an army of folks with AR-15.  Probably not a time for jokes about guns in this day and age.  The show was so funny (to me), it got to a point where Joyce said, "Stop it!! Why do you have to ruin it for me!!" 

It was hilarious!! I can't help it!!

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