Sunday, October 20, 2019

Paul's Life and Letter Final

I missed the final class.  I hadn't had time to study.  I wasn't ready.  But there simply was no more time.  I did it anyways... and boy was it hard.

I hate that feeling.  That feeling of knowing that you don't know it.  It's completely foreign.  Did I even learn this???

I hate that feeling.  Where you see a question and you know you've seen it.  But you choose to overlook it while studying, guessing it won't be asked.

I hate that feeling.  When people around you who showed up after, gets up and leaves.

I hate that feeling.  Where you put down the right answer.... change it...  come out from the test and learn that the first answer was actually right.

I hate that feeling.  I hate that feeling of shame... where I did not live up to my full potential.

I'm thinking to myself: 但求合格、不求高分.  But I still like crap, knowing I could've done better.

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