Sunday, November 10, 2019

Let it riiiiiiiiiiiip!!!!

Finally succumbed to pressure and bought SW his first 2 Beyblades.

Over the past few months, he's shown such deep interest and passion, that it's definitely not 三分鐘熱度.  His ingenuity, his curiosity, his untiring pursuit of building and refining he ultimate Lego Beyblade can make any parent shed a tear.  Especially this parent who finally gained an upper hand in Lego Beyblade designs. Especially this child, my non-chalant, happy go lucky, 瀟灑開朗小華豬.

The joy on his face when he found his surprise... can probably be only matched by NN's face in disappointment, when she found the surprise wasn't a puppy.  Heh...

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