Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Breaking Point

During a friendly family competition of ping pong where I was the ref and scorekeeper, a very conventional play turned out to nearly split this family apart when I awarded a point to NN.  SW became a completely different person and actually yelled at me, "No!! That was out!! You just want 家姐 to win!"

To which point... I was so hurt, I channeled all that energy into anger.  "Are you calling me a liar!!!"  And I almost flipped the table upside down - I was that beyond myself. 

Kids talking back is expected and is unavoidable.  But having your flesh and bone yell at you - I was not prepared for that day to come so quick.  He wasn't always like this, especially when it comes to games or competition.  The older he gets, the more he's taking after his friends in school.  Arguing and bickering and down right cheating.

I spent a good 5 minutes just staring at him and he didn't dare move.  The house was dead quiet.  Mom and NN knew to stay away.  I think... had he apologized, things would've quickly and quietly simmered down.  But he didn't.  Was it because he didn't want to? Or he didn't know how...? Quite honestly.. he doesn't get in trouble often. 

The night did not end well.  Nor the days after.  I'm still recovering from that moment of piercing pain.  And SW...?? Well... I hope and pray that... in this instance... he does NOT turn out to be like me.

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