Saturday, November 09, 2019

The passage of time

NN plows through literally a dozen books a week.  She goes through them so fast, I don't even know how much she retains.  Yesterday at the library, she once again said she's run out of books to read.  So I make two recommendations... two of my favorite books growing up as a 5th grader... "The Castle in the Attic" and "Where the Red Fern Grows."

Much to both our disappointments, NN did not like The Castle in the Attic.  I suppose with modern day Junior Novels... and with the rate at which she reads.. the magic that captivated me is ho-hum for her.

Much to my dismay... is NN is showing zero interest in Where the Red Fern Grows.  I would imagine with her love of dogs and her ultra-high sensitivity, she'll be weeping already.  I can't exactly blame her.. I actually didn't like this book in 5th grade either.  It wasn't till much, much later in adult hood that I went back and fell in love with my #3 book of all time.

Are classics truly timeless? Or am I living in my own past a little too long?

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