Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Turning a new page...

Chaperoning the kids to their annual field trip to Kings Academy for a musical.

Last night... we officially removed NN's baby car seat and permanently replaced it with a booster.  She actually doesn't even need a booster anymore.  My Nui-nui Ju.  Growing up to fast.

Today... Mrs. Koch tells me SW was very upset to find out I wasn't driving him. (I ended up driving Nn and 3 of her friends).  She told me that SW can sit with me during the performance.  When I buckled him up in Dorothy's car... his eyes were very teary.  "Why can't I ride with you Daddy??" I gave him the biggest smile... "Cuz you get to ride with all the men!!!" Referring to his friends. To which his friends all shouted... "YEEEEEEAAAAHHH!!!"

At King's, I sought him out and asked, "Do you want to sit with Bah-B or with your friends?"

Of course... SW said.................................................

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