Thursday, August 19, 2021


Couple weeks ago... Hody told us about a Kings Academy WeChat group.  We clumsily figured out how to join... and then she told us there's a group for each class.  Not sure how long this has been formed.... but boy are the parents active!! 

They discuss the appropriateness of leggings (or no leggings) for girls.  They debate about "flipped classrooms" and complain about drop-off/pick-up.  They set up playdates and carpools on the side.  

They'll talk about the strangest things like "Do we really need lockers? They have backpacks!"  Or "What are the library hours?" or "Do I need to sign up for sports or is it optional?"  

I guess most of these parents went to school overseas so these questions are... banal. It kills me though... how reliant they are of other families when asking the simplest questions.  In the Chinese school WeChat 群, parents are so lazy.  They don't bother reading previous texts or emails... they just ask the teachers to send them this or that.  I guess that's the difference between communal cultures and garage door cultures. 

It's nice to see the banter though...and the language they use!! This is a whole new world to me.  

求拉, 啥, 娃, 折滕, 拉桿箱...  Hahaha... as I told spread the gospel to the ends of the earth... you must learn the languages at the ends of the earth. 

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