Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Back in the early 2000's... mom and dad came to visit me at Cal Poly and stayed over one night.  The next morning... they told me dad was dying from his ear being too itchy but couldn't find a Q-tip to pick his ear.  Apparently.. he had a habit of Q-tipping his ear every night.  I didn't understand back then... cuz I simply didn't need it.

Flash forward 20+ years... and I found myself in the same situation.  Maybe it's old age... where I now have more wax build up.  Maybe it's from all my headset suffocating my hear since I'm on telecons all day.  But it was worse than a medieval torturing device when we ran out of Q-tips at home.  I couldn't sit.  Couldn't stand.  Couldn't concentrate from the itchiness. 

Some doctors say it's a bad thing to use a Q-tip.  You can sever your ear drums.  Or you can push in wax that shouldn't go so deep.  The proper way to clean your ear is to use ear-wax remover.  Well then... when you're ear itches like a mutha... and your finger tips don't fit... what options do you have???

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