Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man

Spider-Man... Spider-Man... does whatever spiders can....  

That theme song still rings in my head... in the Leung household.  We just got done binging on the MCU series... ending with Tom Holland's Spider-Mans.  Then we went back to what started it all... Toby Maguire's Spider Mans.  And what gets me... or what I don't get... is why Spider Man is hands down... the most popular comic book hero.  

"He's a teenager. He's relatable." 

Those are the words my NN said... those are the words I've heard over and over again.  And it's true.  The movies even go out of their way to point out how insufficient he really is... especially that one scene where there are no buildings for him to swing around and he's running across a giant field.  Outside of Manhattan (or Brooklyn....apparently), or any metropolis... what can Spider Man actually do? Or if he runs out of spider-serum... what can he shoot? Which is why Stan Lee and Steve Ditko limits him to fighting crime in his neighborhood.

Wrote a post 8 years ago... that was suppose to launch another post on  "Why Superman is my favorite super hero."  Over the past 8 years... I've waffled.  Jackie Chan, on one of the late night talk shows once said, his favorite super hero is Batman.  Not cuz he's cool... or he's rich... or he does things his way. But because he is human.  All his capabilities... is mortal.  But I never got over how dark he is.  I will always hate the times that DC comics wrote how he beat Super Man.  Whether it was synthetic kryptonite.  Or OD-ing Superman with the power of the sun.  

Same thing with Iron Man. He's but... just a mere mortal.  A billionaire, genius, playboy, philanthropist.  Who doesn't want to fit those shoes.  But yet again... Tony Stark is dark.  He's a maniac. And even if Kevin Feign tries to portray him as the fallen hero when he saved the universe... there was something you unattainable.  Or something you didn't want to attain.

The one thing... that goes back to Superman... is not his super human strength.  Or his ability to fly.  Or x-ray vision.  Those are powers of gods that any childhood would want.  What ultimately attracts me to Superman... the Man of Steel... my favorite super hero of all time... is his super human ability to love.  His one true Achilles heel... and the single way that Batman or Luthor has been able to defeat him. Logically... no human can possibly defeat him.  Even if you use the Mechsuit... or the Hulk Buster.  Or even the Infinity Gauntlet for that matter.  And if my my true weakness... is having too much kindness in my heart... well then... that's why Superman is my favorite super hero.

As for friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man... I like him. But I'll save that for the rest of the world. 

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