Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Standardized Testing

Received NN and SW's standardized test scores from last year.... both of them scored exceptionally well.  For the most part... NN's scores are a 13th grader's equivalent and SW is, on average, a 10th or 11th grader's equivalent with the exception of his Reading Vocabulary.  Not going to kid... it does feel good knowing both are exceling academically.  Also validates our choice of drilling SW with vocab during the summer.  Though.. his vocab is still based on memorization, and not the fact he can recognize root words or figure out the parts of speech based on clues.  Clues like... "-ly" being an adverb.  Or "-tion" being a noun.  The time will come, I suppose.  

How I wish they can both do other extra-curricular... not cuz it's required, but cuz it's their passion.  Heh... to be a tiger-dad, while wearing sheep's clothing.  

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