Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sweet 小華

Some time ago... SW was upgraded from regular SW to Sweet Siu Wah (SSW).  A title he truly deserves. 

Ever since he was young... he was simply likeable.  Non-competitive and always your biggest cheerleader.

When we went bowling.. NN would be steaming if she's trailing.  SW, on the other hand, would watch his "opponents" bowl.... then cheer, scream, beg!!! for each roll to be a strike.  

The past few nights.. we've been playing Monopoly.  You would never know which side he's on. He'll call out the number of steps that'll benefit you when rolling the dice.  He'll grab his head in playful disgust if he lands on your property.  And he'll be first to console you if things don't go your way.  I told Joyce it's just so much fun playing with him... he doesn't care who wins or loses.  He's there to have fun.  Then Joyce told me... "He came up stairs with tears coming down his eyes after you bankrupted him."  He didn't show me those tears.

Yesterday... we had a hang-out session at Mini-Golf.  And when his friend putts... he'll be screaming "Go No No!!" (Noah's nickname).  Again... not about competition.  Just good ol' fashion fun. 

The cherry on top of the sundae comes with the dreaded Claw Game at the arcades - where you are under a timer to position a claw to grab some tantalizing prize that's nearly impossible to get.  This claw machine basically had these cardboard rolls with numbers on them...representing tickets to exchange prizes.  And as statistics would have it... SW won 150 tickets.  His friend (No-No) followed... and he also grabbed a "150 ticket" cardboard roll...but as the claw was returning home to dispense the prize, the roll fell!!!  Without missing a beat... SW goes, "It's ok... I'll give you half of mine. 75 / 75."

Where does he get this from???? Rumor has it... that was me before I turned 10.  Hopefully (prayerfully), this stays with him forever, unlike me. 

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