Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Times have changed

Times are changing.  

Back in the mid 2000's... when I was hard over on 過大禮, there's a lot of traditional things we can't buy in US.  So we substituted it with 利是。 

Then as I hit my late 20's and 30's.... gift cards started replacing actual gifts.  "The gift that keeps on giving."  We run out of things to give... so why not just let ppl buy what they want.

A couple of years ago... we stopped with the physical gift cards and send virtual, digital gift cards.  There! We save on the plastic also.

And today... SW wants to get a bday gift for his friend.... Minecoins.  Virtual, digital... to be spent in a virtual world.  And y'know what... that'll be the best gift the kid will get for this birthday. 

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