Saturday, April 09, 2022

Channel Surfing

Long gone are the days of channel surfing... where you just click click click on the remote control without stopping for anyone one show.  Then Prevue Guide came... then digital TV... and the time it takes to load a channel was 3-4 seconds.  The fun was gone. 

Fast forward to VOD.  I absolutely love scouring through the volumes and volumes of videos - looking for nothing.  I go through all the lists.  Dramas. Comedy. Family Movies. Watch it Again. Because you watched XYZ. Then when I'm done... I go from Netflix to Prime.  I go through all their categories and all their shows.  Then it's Hulu... then it's Disney+.  Then it's back to Netflix!!  I never stop and watch a movie or a show.  And every weekend, I look forward it.  It's my... happy place. 

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