Saturday, August 27, 2022

Knocking on your door steps

NN just got back from a school retreat.  The 7th and 8th grade class at TKA went to the Santa Cruz mountains for 3 days and 2 nights.  Friday afternoon... we pick her up and find out.. 2 people tested positive inspite of testing prior to attending. Saturday morning... it doubles to 4 people.  By late afternoon... it's 5.  And the 5th person... we had lunch with!!! Early evening... it's become 8. Late evening... 12.  And that's the people we converse with. Who knows what else is out there.

It's not a matter of "if".... it's a matter of "when."  This time... it's far too close.  Well... not as close as when I got it... but for the sake of being dramatic... 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Be careful what you wish for...

All through life, NN has been an overachiever.  She's adored by her peers and admired by her teachers.  A straight A's student.  A hardworker. Respectful. Leadership.  All things you want in a growing girl.  We've always worried that her success will to get to her head.  So we've kinda... sorta... in a round about way... wanted her to experience some bumps and trips along the way.  Maybe not like... an epic fail.  But get use to life being life.

Last year's audition was rough.  Junior High basketball and volleyball were ground breaking if not earth shattering.  But those were new frontiers.  Today... she officially got her first C in math.  It's just a quiz.  It's just the first quiz.  She'll bounce back.  But ohhhhh.... when she saw her grade... her entire world crumbled. "I hate myself!" "I'm so stupid!" 

Not what I was hoping for when I wished that she might run up against a bit of failure. Aye. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Shaddap Already!!!!

Went to our first TKA high school football game.  And in the stands was an obnoxious dad who's obviously been there for a many years, since he knows a bunch of people.  He'll be screaming, "GO O!!!" or "Let's go Offense!!!" when the Knights are on offense.  No one does that!! You scream "D-Fence!!" or "Go D!!!" But not the other way around. It's so.... dumb!! 

Then when the other team's on offense... if it's a handoff, he'll yell "RUN!! RUN!! RUN!!"  I initially got confused... "Why's he cheering on the other team's RB to run... run... run...."  Then on pass plays, be it a screen or slant or post... "PASS!! PASS!! PASS!!"As if the crowd doesn't know? Is he trying to alert the players on the field (who can't hear him).  Or did he know I was going to show up today... and he is just trying to annoy me.   

I wanted to walk over there to tell him, "Love your passion.. but shaddap already!!!" 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Birthday Blessings

Aside from the usual birthday blessings I would get in person or via text... while exiting church... a sister walks up and says, "Happy Birthday!" I said... "How'd you know?" She said... "You mentioned it 2 years ago." Wow....

Then while I was picking up dinner for carry out... I started whistling an SOP song.  The clerk immediately said... "I love that Christian song!"  I got my food.. paid... and he said, "Thank you and God bless you."

Friday, August 19, 2022

A Tale of Two Cultures

On Wednesday night's New Parent orientation... I bumped into a bunch of Cantonese speaking parents.  And we unanimously decided to create a Whatsapp group to combat /circumvent / supplement the WeChat group. Truth be told... I'm a Whatsapp fan.  Maybe cuz most of my friends are Hongkongers and won't even install WeChat for philosophical and political reasons.  But after creating this Whatsapp group... I can totally see the limitations.  Better yet... I can see the ever-growing features of WeChat.

After the Whatsapp group was created... I did something I never did in the WeChat group.  I started throwing stuff out there.  Only to be met by.... crickets.  Silence.  No one says a word.  Conversely... over in WeChat... parents are talking about lunch lines... how to use a locker... which combination lock to buy... how to enroll in Google Classroom.... PE clothes.... on and on.... a lot of humdrum, mundane stuff that's actually quite amusing.  

More amazingly... the mom's in this WeChat group will just randomly form a picnic or a lunch Meet-Up... and do something called 接龍。 And it'll catch on... more people will sign up.  Before you know it... there's a dozen people going to lunch together. Or picnic-ing together.  Or hiking together.  Completely, random strangers.  It's amazing.

Cantos? Hongkongers? Good luck. Oh... and the "American" parents.  They're using Shutterfly as a social platform.  Geez.......... how early 2000's. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

"Times" have changed

I'm a simple man.  And all I want... is a simple watch.  Tell time and date.  That's it.

After the salt waters of the Pacific victimized my beloved watch... I set out to look for another one.  Where does one go get a digital watch these days? We went to Target.  Then DD Discounts.  Then CVS.  Then Rite Aid.  All fruitless!!! Long gone are the days when these... uh... drug stores? convenience stores? sell everything you can possibly need stores... can buy something as simple as a $10 watch.  

Ended up shopping on Amazon...which had 50,000 options that made my head hurt.  My... how times have changed. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Big Island - Day 8

Last day... time to head home.  We first found breakfast at Kona.  It was a beautiful locale.  Facing the sea.  Perfect place for brunch.  Then we got gas and headed to the airport. I love dropping people off then drop off the rental and head to baggage check.  Everyone had COVID so we had zero interaction.

(updated 7/4/2024...)

Last day… saw a mom with double carriage stroller and a luggage… I offered to help. She declined. Then saw her trying to get to pre board… I tried to help… she declined again. Ended up sitting next to her on the plane and we built some good karma.  Made it easy on the kids.   

(updated 7/4/2024...)

And with that... we boarded the plane.  Headed back to San Jose.  Got a ride home from Ken - with our masks on.  And had McDonald's for dinner.

End of trip. 

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Big Island - Day 7

Only 6 of us left not testing positive... but that's because Grace and Nicky survived the bug right before the trip. The day started with going to the infamouse hole in the way Poke Shack. We ended up going snorkeling by King Kamehaema... and it was the best experience ever. Still remember the utter failure of Cancun snorkeling. This time... it was a pure 180. We then had dinner at Kona Brewery followed by another bout of Scandinavian ice. Hawaii...was awesome.

Monday, August 08, 2022

Big Island - Day 6

Started the morning by heading to Waimea to pick up some COVID test kits for Wallace.  We found a McDonalds and had he infamous Spam and Sausage breakfast.  Then it started pouring and we did a bunch of shopping at a local grocery store.  That became our lunch cuz we bought a bunch of sushi and salad there. 

Later that evening... we headed over to play a family back nine. This was NN and Joyce's first time on a golf course. We rented two carts and after about 4-5 holes... I gave SW the keys and he had his first driving experience.  Joyce saw what I did and she gave NN the keys.  We struggled...but ended up with one ball.  We lost about 15-16. One of the best experience of my life.

More and more people started testing positive so we ended up having Cup O' noodles and Pizza bagel for dinner. 

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Big Island - Day 5

The morning started with a bang...then one domino fell after another.  One after the next... a family member of ours started testing positive for COVID.  We were so scared...cuz SW hung out with them when we went coffee tasting.  Oh me... oh my...  are we gonna be THAT family?

We decided to not head to a local church (much to my dismay) and we attended SJCAC church online. 

For lunch, we headed back to Queens Market and we knew exactly what to order and how to eat this time. 

The afternoon was spent at the pool.

At night... we headed to town and went shopping at Target and Costco. 

Ended the evening at TK noodle (no, not THAT TK Noodle). 

Saturday, August 06, 2022

Big Island - Day 4

6 months after my Hawaii vacation... I guess I should jot down some of the highlights of the remainder of this trip, before I truly forget it.

Day 4 - I woke up before anyone else and found an insurance company was having a company event at the resort and they were hosting breakfast.  90% of the people there were Asian.  So I snuck in and grabbed myself some free breakfast buffet.  Heh. I blended right in.

That morning... we,  family unit as a whole, headed to the White Sand beach of Hapuna. It was majestic. We swam. We snorkeled.  We had the full Hawaii experience.

In the afternoon... Joyce, NN and Grace and I went Kona Coffee tasting.  Nothing to write home about, but I bought some beans regardless.  Cuz, afterall, I was in Kona.

That night... we had our family Luau.  Dang was it expensive.  But it was the one night we dined together... all of us. One forgetless memory... we were lined up to go in, but we skipped the family picture (of course, something we'd have to buy for $50). The camera men called us out of our line...saying they'll hold our place for us.  So we went back and took a family picture.  And surprise surprise, they did not hold the space for us.  It took an old Chinese woman (MIL) to slip all 15 of us back into line, thereby pissing off the entire luau line.  I can't believe we did that, but we did. 

Friday, August 05, 2022

Big Island - Day 3

Finally pushed through the jetlag... and I woke up at a startling 5:00AM (8:00AM PDT) today.  I can still smell the leftover pizza from the night before and *burp* I can still taste it.  Heh...

We decided yesterday that today was going to be a hotel day, where we simply enjoy the expensive resort we've paid for.  Y'know... we're in the same hotel.  There really isn't that many places to go. You can't get lost.  But alas... we decided to head to the pool together.  And so we wait.  Not 1... not 2... not 3... not 4... but 5 episodes of Guy Fieri on Food Network later... we still haven't moved.  OMG.... let's goooooo.....  But still... I had to keep my mouth shut.  It's not my family.  

Finally... we decide to ditch the fam and went to grab some seats, which is important.  You grab strategic seats and you can sit there forever by just leaving a towel there.  And once we get there... "Oh... I want shade." or... "Oh... I want to sit by the slides." Or.... "Oh... I want to be near the bar."  Never is there consensus.  Why did we bother???  

But pool time was awesome.  We did get there early enough where the water slide had a relatively short line.  Found, not one, but two awesome hot tubs for some relaxing.  And the boys... the boys really showed off their swimming skills and swam their hearts out.  Here's the kicker... by the time we were done... (lunch time?), the other family shows up.  And as we're about to yield our seats to them... the dad says, "We actually wanna go to the lagoon instead."  And to think... we waited for you.  #SMH

Turns out they slept in after a long day and a crappy 7-eleven wet sandwich dinner.  So they had a nice brunch at the hotel.  Good for them.  But that meant, they weren't hungry.  We were!! Off we went... 

Here's the kicker (one of many more), we didn't bother waiting.  We showered. We left for a local mall. Honestly... I think Joyce was tired of my icy stares. There wasn't a lot of selections at this mall... other than this Bistro inside a theater.  The food looked... decent.  It had everything.  Pizza. Ribs. Fish and chips. Poke.  Prices were marked up.  Let's just do it.  

The greeter was kind of odd.  I told her we had a party of 4... and a party of 5 coming.  But she couldn't seat us in a big table together.  Forget it... we'll sit and eat.  When she led us to the patio... the place was almost empty!!! Plenty of tables to make one big table. Again... forget it.  We ordered.  When we were about done... the party of 5 six shows up.  Grace makes a beeline towards us... surprised that we were seated in a cozy table for 4.  Without missing a beat... she hops on over to an empty table and grabs a chair.  The waitress and the greeter give each other stares.  I don't think they expected Grace to do that.  I don't think Grace expected to see us four sitting together without saving a big table. I don't think... I cared.

Done with lunch... we stroll around the mall and find the Queen's Marketplace.  An ABC store that had groceries, fruits and veggies, alcohol, souvenirs, and a hot and cold deli.  The prices were reasonable.  Why didn't we eat here??  The kids started hunting around for souveniers.  Joyce chased after them.  And I slipped away to the wine section. Ahhhh.... my happy place. There was even a wine tasting room (it was closed.)  We shopped around for about 20-30 minutes... and was ready to leave when.... you guessed it... the party of 5 shows up.  

Don't matter how fast you go... eventually... it all catches up.  The party of 5 appeared and I saw in their eyes... the look I had when I first arrived.  I naively thought we'd head back to the hotel.  Oh no... we ended up shopping with them for another 30 minutes. All the while... I was just standing there.  With 6 cans of beer and a bottle of Volcano Red wine in my backpack - staring off into the ether. Recounting every moment of my life where I could've made a left turn instead of right. 

Half a forever later... everyone's ready to go. By ready... they also grabbed a bunch of microwavable, ready to eat, bento boxes for dinner.  Along with... wait for it... a rotisserie chicken.  They stole my thing! I thought I was the $4.99 chicken getter/eater.  And right when I counted by chickens before they hatched... someone comes back with a cup of noodles.  They suggested... we can have breakfast tomorrow.  Before I can blink... SW is already gone... searching for his cup of noodles.  Fine. Fine. We can't have smooshed 85 deg buns every day.  5 minutes later, he's back.  Ready to go!! Before I can blink again... the other two grandkids storm off and get theirs.  They couldn't go together. I swear... the next thing they were gonna do is take turns going to the bathroom. 

We got back to our rooms... chillaxed a little and off to the lagoon. I think by now... everyone's adjusted to each other's habits, schedules, and vacation-etiquette.  Cuz no one waited... we simply said, "Let's meet at the lagoon and we'll see you when we get there." The lagoon is a fascinating place.  It's a natural salt water lagoon with a man made waterfall and sea life. But it's dug out so the water only the hotel guests can access it and is relatively private with next to no waves or current from the actual ocean.  The perfect place to get use to snorkeling in a safe environment. 

Everyone got out their snorkel gear and went into the knee deep water.  Ohhhh... what a mess... "I can't breathe!!"  "It hurts my chest!!"  Well... I'm guilty of it too. "Water keeps getting in!!"  The snorkeling mask I used were the ones we for our first Hawaii trip.  A decade of baking in the garage... the plastic and suction wasn't as fresh.  It was so frustrating.  Grace's kids gave up within minutes.  Geez.... all that money spent.  This was just the appetizer.  We were planning on a real snorkeling trip too.  Grace was like, "I don't care... I'm coming with you guys." HA!!!  

Then as we were about done for the day... some guy says, "There are turtles by the water fall."  It was about 100 yards away, maybe 2-3 lengths of a pool.  I'm not sure why we did it... but I let SW put the fins on with his regular goggles... and off he went.  NN and Joyce got their snorkeling gear and followed us.  I put on my aged mask and pipe... and off we went.  

I'm a decent swimmer - in a swimming pool where my feet touches the ground.  But out in the open... with salty water... and I'm not sure if I can stand up... And that's what happened.  About 50 yards from shore... water started seeping in my mask.  I got nervous.  I tried to tread water to empty the mask, but I couldn't really get my neck above water.  I had a huge panic attack!!!  Was I gonna drown???

I relied on instincts.  Did the good ol froggy style with my head above water and pushed.  I looked back to shore.  I looked at the waterfall.  Which way do I go????  Do I ditch SW and save my own life??? Where was SW???? Was he safe???? There was nothing I could do to help him.  And how much deeper were the waters by the turtles?? For some reason... I decided to plow forward.  I thought... If I can make it to the turtles... there were a couple of stand up paddle boards.  I can always grab a hold of something and ask for help... put I needed to finish that trek.  But no matter how hard I swam... how hard I kicked.... I felt like I was going no where.  Stupid breast stroke.  Slow as heck... with the only saving grace being I can breathe (overrated!!)

Kick.  Brush.  Kick.  Brush.  Forcibly... inch by inch... I got closer.  And closer.  Eventually... I saw the tips of Joyce and NN's snorkels.  They made it.  And they had their masks off!!! They found a rock to stand on!!!!  Found my wife.  Found my daughter.  And SW???? He was a fish.... not a thing to worry about.  When we found our rock... our salvation...  we were able to admire the turtles up close.  Magnificent. 

The swim back to shore was a little better.  I didn't aim for the original spot I launched. I went for a closer area.  But once again... I swam slowly and assuredly. Horrible.  Absolutely horrible.  Once again... lost sight of SW.  Had he needed anything... had he had a panic attack... had anything happened... I would've been unable to help him.  That helpless feeling is nauseating.  Finally got back to shore.  SW was fine.  He didn't think anything of it.  Joyce and I gave each other looks.  That was bad parenting.  We need to do better.  And when I sat down and collected my thoughts... I realized I completely forgot I had a breathing pipe.  Duh!! Completely forgot I can backfloat and rest a little. Duh!!  Completely forgot I can do freestyle - my natural style.  Duh Duh Duh!!!!

Time to wrap up the night.  We never did meet up with the other family... the one who started the day late.  They went off on their own to Tommy Bahamas. And we microwaved the food we bought at the deli and had dinner at the hotel coffee shop.  Heh... gotta hand it ourselves.  We can find a way to save money.  Everyone was absolutely... exhausted. If not... dead. *gulp!

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Big Island - Day 2

3:30AM (6:30AM PDT) - I'm wide awake.  

That's the bad thing about a hotel... regardless of the price you pay... a room is still a room. You have no privacy.  And if you're up early (or up late), you have to be considerate to the other people.  

By 4:30AM... the kids were also up.  Without any choices... I took them out for a walk so Joyce can get some shut-eye.  An odd sense of serenity in paradise at the edge of the world. The sun slowly poked it's head over Mauna Kea.  The birds were restless. There was not a soul in the entire resort.  I find it hard to believe that no other Californians were out and about. 

After an hour of exploring, including finding the dolphins... we headed back to our room and started to make coffee.  We bought our own coffee maker and Kona coffee, knowing full well we'll save money in the long run vs. the hotel coffee bar... and it'll be 10x better than the hotel Keurig. 

Slowly... everyone started texting the family chat group saying they were up.  I was restless... and ready to head over to Hilo, which was a 2 hour drive away... only to find out... that one family was still asleep.  STILL ASLEEP!?!?! It's 8AM... 11AM PDT!!! You have the rest of your life to sleep... let's go!!!!!

Credit Grace for making an executive call... "We're leaving in 2 minutes... you can come with us or meet up with us later." An empty threat.  We ended up waiting another 30 minutes before meeting at the lobby.  Then at the lobby... we waited for the grandparents some more... who ambled over with big smiles on their faces, "It's so beautiful here, we were out taking pictures!"  Taking pictures!?!?!? You have another 6 days to take pictures... you just had us wait here for 45 minutes.  LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 

Our first stop was Akaka Falls... one of Joyce's must see.  I shoulda done more research. This place costs $10 to park... and $5 per non-resident.  Ok... fine... it's for a good cause, right??? No.  Rip off.  The "hike" was 0.5 mile. And we didn't even get within 500 feet of the falls.  Did we just walk into a tourist trap???? I will admit... I'm not into plants or botany... but there were some amazing tropical plants that even got me to pause and admire.  How I wish I can share that with someone.

After climbing out of the money trap... the family that started out late finally showed up.  I almost wanted to tell them to skip this stop... but bit my tongue.  We could've hit up another waterfall (which turned out to be free!!) Or... in this case... I said let's head to lunch.  We can recharge, regroup and decide on what's next.  On our way to Farmer's Market... I saw a bakery and vaguely remember it being another "stamp." So I pulled over and wanted to get one or two things... y'know... to say I've been here, done that.  But the grandparents... THEY WENT TO TOWN!!! It's almost like the beginning of SIP when everyone was hoarding everything.  They bought enough to feed a small village. 

Got to Hilo... found the farmer's market (underwhelming).  And found a nice shack with a poke...tacos... burgers.  Perfect.  A little bit for everyone.  I didn't even think, I made a bee-line and stood in line to order.  Had I waited to gather and discuss... it would've been another 20 minutes before we ordered.  I love ordering food for everyone.  Love being in control.  Get a bit of this... get a bit of that.  And most importantly... I can get exactly what SW wanted - a plain hamburger, no cheese, and fries.  The cashier was amazingly nice... and I throttled up my charm... cuz I was ordering so much.  Didn't want to confuse her... but also wanted to be sure she got my order right. 

Credit Grace once again... she marched to the beat of my drum.  And she went and got drinks for everyone.  Efficient. 

After we were done with lunch...the family that was 45 minutes behind finally caught up.  Now they started ordering and eating lunch.  By now... part of the group walked over to the farmer's market coming back with enough fruit to feed an entire city.  I asked if they had coconuts... (knowing Joyce wanted to drink straight from one) and to my surprise, they complained it was too expensive!! Uh.... maybe if you hadn't bought up all the bread and fruit... you'll have some money leftover??? (Heh)

So I walked over and found the coconut stand... got some mangos and a $7 coconut. They lopped off the top and gave us a straw.  Bleah... I'm not one for coconut water... but it's another "stamp."  We walked back to where everyone was still eating lunch with coconut in hand.  And one by one, people disappearing.  One by one, they came back with a coconut.  Ohhh.... how funny. 

It's almost 2pm now... been here for almost 2.5 hours and we finally decide to hit up the Black Sand Beach. On our way out of Hilo... I started seeing all these cute stores and restaurants... including the pineapple place, that served only pineapple dishes.  I make a slight comment like, "Ahhh man... I wanna try that." And NN made a remark like, "Daddy... you keep talking like that, no one will want to be your friend." 

WTH?!?!?!?!?  No one wants to be my friend????  We fly 6 hours here.  We wait for everyone, everywhere.  We sit in the same restaurant for 2.5 hours.  And now we're leaving... who knows when we're coming back... we didn't even get to walk around this little town... and no one wants to be my friend???? Ohhhhhhhh..... I was NOT a happy camper. And she knew it.  

The drive to Black Sand beach was very quiet. I guess everyone was still a little tired... a little on edge.  Whatever tension was built up in the car... was washed away by the majestic views and breathtaking scenery.  Yes... it was a bit of a drive, but everyone needed that quiet time.  And now everyone was going to enjoy some cool Pacific Ocean water on their feet, coupled with the salty warm air on their face and topped off with.... crushed lava rocks.

Only one family was truly ready for the beach... but as with all beach experience, you try to stay away.  Then you roll up your pant leg to dip your toes.  And before you know it... you're fully drenched.  As was the case for everyone.  NN apologized... and I apologized too.  Life (and vacation) is too short for this type of bickering.

We were nearing sunset.... and about to set out for the Volcanoes. The kids were excited... they must think we're gonna look at a huffing and puffing crater with red-hot magma pouring out.  Whatever it takes to get them moving!! I mapped out "Volcano National Park" - surprised it was only a 20 minute drive away.  It felt much longer than that on our way down.  Sure enough... google map took us to a giant sign that said "Volcano National Park!!" HA!!  The actual entrance and visitor center was only another 10 minutes away... wonder why Google Maps would bring me here.

This time... the caravan all showed up within minutes of each other.  But the fun started yet again... Everyone got out and saw that I put on a hoodie and they started rummaging through their cars for anything to wear.  Shirts. Jackets. Scarves!!! People... we told you to dress in layers for Hilo!!!  Then it was the merry-go-round of going to the bathroom.  Nope.  Don't go at once... take turns going and then come back, so the next person can ask, "Where's the bathroom?" And while the first half the group were standing around waiting... they started to nibble on the fruit and bread they bought.  Just in time for the 2nd half of the group to swing around and say THEY'RE hungry!!!  The smorgas bord is open... nom nom nom.  

"Are we ready?? Can we start walking now???" (Face palm SMH)

The sun was started to set... and we knew no one was in a mood to hike the entire recommended trail.  So we decide to do the short quick 0.75 mile hike to the steam vents.  Come back... and drive the rest of the "tour." With their bladders empty and bellies full... everyone was in a great mood.  As we turned the corner out of the bushes into clearings... the scent of sulfur served as the appetizer to the full course of smoke coming out yellow rocks.  BREATH-TAKING!!!  And it was here... we took our first of few family photos.  All smiles.  Everyone was looking. If anything else... this was going to be how everyone visually remembers this trip.

The hike took us to the lip of the crater where we saw a hole that's 2 miles wide of black nothingness.  The free map pointed out the different types of cooled lava... and which years the volcano erupted.  Wish I had a map of how my temper had erupted during the first two days of this trip!! 

About another 100 feet away... I saw a parking lot and made the suggestion of the drivers going back to get the car so folks don't have to hike back.  Not a lot of politicking needed.  The decision was unanimous. The hike back and drive up was quick and easy... now to drive off to the rest of the scenic points. YAY!! We were all in sync... on the same wavelength.  I'll pull out... move up a few car lengths... and wait for the other two cars to come out.  And we're off!!!

We get to site #5... and it's now pitch black.  The sun has set waaaaaaaaaay beyond the west.  It was almost sunrise in Australia for pete's sake.  We see a sign... it's a 3 mile round trip hike to the actual crater itself.  No one wanted to do it... except me and a bunch of rambunctious boys.  (Heh... I'm the fun uncle.) Yet... pragmaticism wins out and we're back in the car.  This time... the park rangers said if you want to see lava... you'll have to head back to the Visitor Center, where we originally parked, and walk a "short distance." WHAT?!?!? Retrace our steps??? Ugh.... I guess going to the volcano at night isn't a well kept secret afterall.

So we head back....park... and remember how there was a merry-go-round of bathroom goers. This is now the sequel!!  How did people not go the first time?? How did they produce so much bodily waste in a matter of an hour?? More standing around.  More snacking.  More of me giving Joyce "the look." Heh... to the point where, even she got tired of all this waiting.  

Alas... we start off and one of the family was now the star of the trip.  They brought a flashlight!! Not that you needed one... the paths are well lit, the stars were out and there were people everywhere.  Yet... he felt redeemed for making his dad pack his flashlight and now he was the scout leading the troops.  Excitement was brewing. We were off on an adventure.  We're gonna see LAVA!!! We're gonna catch on fire!!!  We get to the viewing point with over 200 hundred people flashing their smart phones to take pictures... only to see... about a mile away... there's this reddish orangish glowing blob.  Blob might be generous.  It was more of a speck.  The state park could've bought some lights and made a display and no one would be the smarter.  Ok.. mission accomplished. We got our stamp!!

I quickly gather the drivers and discuss... next steps.  Dinner at Hilo?? Everywhere will close unless we hurry.  How about Kurtistown?? Is there parking? Is there dine-in?? Nothing... nothing... and more nothing.  Should we call ahead and order take-out and eat in the car? Couldn't get a decision.  Then... I found a Pizza Hut, three of them actually, that closes at 10PM.  BINGO.... that's what we'll do.  I offered to call and order 3 pizzas ahead... so we arrive, grab, and eat in the car on our drive home.   (Here I go again...ordering for everyone, heh). Couldn't get a consensus.

By now... Joyce had had-it. She says... let them fend for themselves. We order for ourselves...and we eat on our own.  Fine by me!!!  So while we're walking back from the scenic point to our car... and my Amazing Race DNA kicks in. I download the Pizza Hut App... create an account... and walking and ordering at the same time.  We got to our car and order is placed... pickup in 15 minutes.  Everyone started gathering again (probably for another bathroom trip) and I quickly and quietly said... "各自各."  "Ok.. 各自各" said one of the drivers. I didn't even bother saying goodnight to anyone... we sped off in a hurry.  We lost them!! HAHA!!! Freedom!!! And this wasn't my idea.

We arrived... walked in.. grabbed our pizza... and started munching away.  Hot piping pizza... just the way SW and NN wants them.  Didn't have to care about anyone else. And as we're munching away... we now see Grace pull up in her car.  Dunno if she's tired or what... but she looked pissed.  I think she thinks we ditched her.  All day long... we were a team... and now... at the hungriest and more tired moment... when the kids in the back were sound asleep... we were off on our own.  I saw her walk into the Pizza Hut and start talking to the clerk.  She did NOT order ahead.  She doesn't have the Amazing Race DNA.  She now has to stand and wait for who knows how long.... and I couldn't bear that sight.  She's my sister... she's hungry.  Frustrated.  And she doesn't have a spouse to partner with on these things. She's off on her own... (and doing an exceptional job juggling everything).

So I offer her some of our pizza... we couldn't finish it.  She refused... saying she ordered some chicken wings.  Then she swallowed a bit of pride... and said... maybe give me a couple of slices for the kids, when they wake up.  Abso-freakin-lutely.  I was all for ordering food for everyone can drive up with hot food waiting for them.  I delivered a couple of slices... and said, "Drive safe, see you tomorrow."  And with that... we started on our 1.5 drive over Mauna Kea... 4000 feet up.  Had we followed my itinerary... we would be headed to Nightime Diving with Manta rays.  Had we followed my plans... we would've coincided the evening drive with a stop at the Onizuka Observatory... one of a kind in the entire world.  Not tonight.... tonight.  We had our pizza... our Sprite and Orange Crush... and we were headed back to our hotel.  

Biggest takeaway... Joyce and the kids are now on my side.  Either they were fearful of Mount Daddy erupting.  Or they too knew... it's impossible to corral everyone in this type of trip.  

East side of Big Island... until we meet again. 

10:30PM (1:30AM PDT)... everyone is sound asleep.  And I'm up... checking up on my fantasy baseball team.  I'm gonna lose this week... and lose big. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Big Island - Day 1

Anderson pulls up at exactly 6:13AM....and we're off.  We head to San Jose International and check in our luggage.  And as expected... it's overweight.  We quickly shift some stuff around our baggage.  Did we overpack??? Nahh.... better to be safe than sorry.  

Southwest flight was at near capacity... but most everyone was behaved and masked.  Caught the movie that everyone's raving about, "Everything Everywhere All At Once." Boy was it a let down.  Nothing against Michelle Yeoh who actually might win an Oscar one of these days, at her pace.  But I can't stand the whole multi-verse concept.  Wonder who copied who... and did Marvel "tsk-tsk" them for beating Dr. Strange 2 to the theater. 

Landed and got our car without a hitch... checkin luggage arrived at baggage claim before I even got there.  Hawaii.... great service. That's when things start unraveling with a 14 person Family Vacation.  "Let's go get lunch!!"  I wanted to go to this ale house for burgers and comfort food.  But someone said let's head to the hotel.  Someone said it's too far (how do they even know what far means?!) Someone said let's got to Costco.  Someone said there's no room for Costco in the car... so let's head back to the hotel and come back.  

I called an audible and headed to a staple of of the Big Island - Broke Da Mouth.  But didn't realize that this (and many other places) are gonna have uber slow service, no parking, and no seats.  Stood in line for 20 minutes and it barely budged.  Ended up going next door.  The mom and pop place was gleeful, but unprepared to serve so many of us all at once.  They're use to take out... or onesie / twosie diners.  At one point, I they gave us an extra serving of fries... only to realize we stole our neighboring tables food. HA!!

We then headed to Target cuz one of the kid said "he might need to go #2." He might??? C'mon man!  Either you do or you don't.  

Target was a different adventure. Four families going shopping... and not for an AirBnB mind you.  How are you suppose to shop?? In my mind... it's plain and simple.  You get your own cart... and get your own thing.  But this family kept piling stuff in our cart.  Water. Juice. Snacks.  I mean... did she think we'll pay and then split it? It only got more awkward when we decided to not go to Costco.  And then at the check out line... I gave Joyce the stare, "You fix this. Your family!" 


Ok... kids were good (great!!) up to this point.  Let's reward them with some Shave Ice.  We don't have to caravan!! You do you...and we'll do us.  But alas... I got scolded.  Found a place that was highly recommended... but again, no parking!!  I do my thing and drop off Joyce and the kids so I can circle.  Grace pays the $10 parking.  And the last car....?? They arrive 10 minutes after us... and they find parking after we were done.  Sorry man... you snooze you lose.  

We head to the hotel... and it took 45 minutes to check in... cuz we wanted to check-in together and try to get adjacent rooms.  Holy Cannoli.  If it was just me... I would've been done in 5 minutes.  We get into our room and started to chill... only to get a text from the last family... that they were sent to a completely different tower on the other side of the resort.  

Around 6... we decided to head to dinner.  And we sat at the lobby for over an hour... waiting for this family to "change rooms." Can't really fault them.  It's the right thing to do.  But the even more right thing to do... is to tell everyone, "Go eat without us."  It's 7PM local time... but 10PM Pacific time.  Kids are tired.  It's hot and sticky.  Everyone is hangry.  It got to a point where the grandparents were done waiting.  They threw in the towel and headed back to their rooms.

So now the three families decided to head to a local tavern.... only to find out the waiting time is 2 hours!!!  Omg.... and we're so far away from town it's not worth the drive.  I threw my hands up and gave Joyce another look.  She felt helpless - now what.

Ended up heading back to the hotel and ate bar food - the only place left open.  Grace's kids were so tired at this point, they just cured up in the seats and fell asleep.  The food... horrible.  The service... slothful.  But alas... we were in Hawaii as a family.  Ohana.  Where no one gets left behind, right??

Nope. Everyone, including my family inhaled their food and headed back to the room while I waited for the check.  There I sat... with a half eaten nachos... pizza with 2-3 bits... a bunch of chicken wing bones... and 6 empty chairs.  I did what any normal, sane person would do.  I asked for another beer.  

Not a good start to a vacation.  Not at all. 

Family Trips

 I’ll say it now… and I’ll say it again… I can’t stand big family trips!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!

Monday, August 01, 2022

Failing to plan...

I finally unveiled my itinerary for our upcoming vacation... and the entire family roll their eyes. 

"It's a family vacation!"

"It's a relaxing vacation!"

"There are lots to do at the resort hotel."

Then I started naming stuff... and one by one... Joyce says, "Yeah, I wanna do that." "Yeah.. we're going there."

The fact of the matter is... "Failing to plans... "  I didn't even have to finish saying it... the kids in unison said, "is planning to fail." 

And I so boldly predict... there will be at least three times... where the adults will all be standing in a circle... looking at their phones on what to do next or where to go eat.  In which... I'll casually pull out my itinerary and say, "Oh... well... maybe we can...."

Hate to say it... but I'm ready to be vindicated.  HA!