Friday, August 26, 2022

Be careful what you wish for...

All through life, NN has been an overachiever.  She's adored by her peers and admired by her teachers.  A straight A's student.  A hardworker. Respectful. Leadership.  All things you want in a growing girl.  We've always worried that her success will to get to her head.  So we've kinda... sorta... in a round about way... wanted her to experience some bumps and trips along the way.  Maybe not like... an epic fail.  But get use to life being life.

Last year's audition was rough.  Junior High basketball and volleyball were ground breaking if not earth shattering.  But those were new frontiers.  Today... she officially got her first C in math.  It's just a quiz.  It's just the first quiz.  She'll bounce back.  But ohhhhh.... when she saw her grade... her entire world crumbled. "I hate myself!" "I'm so stupid!" 

Not what I was hoping for when I wished that she might run up against a bit of failure. Aye. 

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