Thursday, August 25, 2022

Shaddap Already!!!!

Went to our first TKA high school football game.  And in the stands was an obnoxious dad who's obviously been there for a many years, since he knows a bunch of people.  He'll be screaming, "GO O!!!" or "Let's go Offense!!!" when the Knights are on offense.  No one does that!! You scream "D-Fence!!" or "Go D!!!" But not the other way around. It's so.... dumb!! 

Then when the other team's on offense... if it's a handoff, he'll yell "RUN!! RUN!! RUN!!"  I initially got confused... "Why's he cheering on the other team's RB to run... run... run...."  Then on pass plays, be it a screen or slant or post... "PASS!! PASS!! PASS!!"As if the crowd doesn't know? Is he trying to alert the players on the field (who can't hear him).  Or did he know I was going to show up today... and he is just trying to annoy me.   

I wanted to walk over there to tell him, "Love your passion.. but shaddap already!!!" 

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