Friday, January 06, 2023

Don't ever forget that feeling!!

SW and I went to shoot some hoops today.  For whatever reason... he had an off day and I beat him in all of our games.  He was feeling pretty lousy.  But then... what I've been wanting to do... was drive him back onto campus.  I parked right next to the bench where he and I sat when he found out he didn't make Team A.

I pointed to the bench... "Remember that day... the third day of tryouts... and Coach Jacob said you were on Team B?"  

He quickly responded, with tears welling up, "Yeah." 

I didn't expect that response... but I guess to him... the wound is still deep and healing.  I then asked, "So you remember how you felt.  Do you remember how you felt when you won MVP?"

Much to my surprise, he said, "Not really."  I guess, in life, the 5 oz of pain far outweights 5 lbs of gains.  

I launch into a speech, "Don't ever forget that feeling. No matter how low life can get... you pick up yourself up.  Use your God-given talent.  Put in hardwork.  Extra effort.  Your coach will see it.  Your teammate, who voted you MVP, will recognize it.  You will become a better player.  A better person.  There will be more disappointments in life.  And in those moments, you will need to rise up.  Look that fear and disappointment in the eye and show them who's boss."  

We then went to McDonalds and got a cold drink and some crispy, hot fries. 

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