Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Frozen Jaw

Woke up this morning to a frozen jaw... or locked jaw. For some inapparent reason, my left jaw bone was stuck beyond opening 1-2". A million thoughts went through my mind.. including falling back asleep and catch another 10 minutes of shut eye. Do I see a doctor? Do I see a dentist?

In a situation like this... Did what most red-blooded Americans would do and googled the symptoms and there's a term for this!! Temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ/TMD.   Causes include stress, grinding, a bacterial infection, and maybe excessive chewing...  The cure?? Heat pad for 30 minutes... or just some simple massage.  So that's what I did.  Laid in bed and rubbed my jaw for about 5 minutes and like a jammed door... or opening a jar of spaghetti sauce... it slowly and surely, budged and eventually... noramlity. 

Frozen jaw??

"The cold never bothered me any ways..."  

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