Saturday, January 07, 2023

The Classic

Busted out a classic video game for the kids today... and they're addicted. Nope. Not Super Mario Brothers. Not ATARI. Not Tetris on the black and white Gameboy. Those are all good in their own sense. But today... I downloaded and introduced the kids to... Minesweeper!!

After some explaining... SW's first "Easy" game took 294 seconds. Then he played by himself and he finished in 170 seconds. Then I played... and finished in 30 seconds. I thought that record was gonna stand for a few weeks (or a few days). It took SW all of 3 tries and he chopped it down to 23 seconds. NN couldn't stand it anymore...she had to come and learn. And she was addicted. Not so much to the game, but to the fact she had to beat SW's time.

It got to the point where we flossed, brushed our teeth, and were about to go to bed when NN finally came up the stairs to proudly announce, "21 seconds." Immediately... SW woke up, raced downstairs, and disappeared for the next 10 minutes. We finally heard footsteps, coming up the stairs when he said, "家姐,we tied. I also got 21."

Phew.... glad he got 21. If he got anything else... NN would've rushed downstairs and they would never sleep. Little did they know... that after they're tucked away and snoring and dreaming... that I would come down... demolish their times... and hold the record of 11 seconds for "Easy" mode. Can't wait till we get to Intermediate and Expert!!

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