Sunday, June 11, 2023

Christian Ethics and Morals

Had another opportunity to speak on the topics of Ethics, Morals, and Social Issues.  

I remain surprised why PAL would allow me to speak.  Maybe he thinks I bring a different perspective into the discussion.  Maybe he thinks by forcing me to do the research, I will eventually "come around." (HA!!!)  

But either way... it was a juicy topic that can't be fit into 50-60 minutes to class time.  But the umbrella topic of the class was... "Missions and Evangelism."  These are questions and topics that we will encounter when we reach the unreached.  How will we react? How should we respond?  Like Jesus, out of grace and love? Oh... but I'm not Christ.  No where near.  Should I respond with facts... the law... the biblical truth.  What if they don't accept your truth being THE truth. 

The class went 15 minutes over.  And I didn't even start to uncover what I really wanted to cover.  May the Lord bless our church... our leaders... our pastors... and each of the layperson... that we have the wisdom and discernment of the Holy Spirit when it comes to Christian Ethics and Morals.

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