Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Be Prepared

"Be Prepared" - It's the Boy Scouts marching song.  You never know what's going to happen.

That happened to SW tonight.  Through hardwork and perseverance... SW made it to the starting 5 as a shooting guard (aka Klay Thompson).  I have to say... his shooting motion is smooth and technically sound.  I credit his personal coach (me) for getting him to where he is.  But right when he was ready to shoot himself into the King's Academy Record Books.... the starting Point Guard called in sick.  And SW got the call to be the quarterback for the team. 

No... he wasn't ready.  No... we haven't worked on his handling enough.  Nor his court vision.  But he did it.  

He brought the ball up the court.... oh.... so.... slowly.  To a point where there were several instances where he crossed the halfcourt line right ahead of the 10 second limit.  I couldn't scream loud enough.  And when he got it to the top of the key... he immediately picked up his dribble... and shot a dart to his wings.  So many times, it was so hard, the wing would drop the pass.  You touch it... you catch it.  That's my mantra.  But as the QB... as the PG... you have to enable your teams' success.  SW wasn't ready for it.  He was nervous.  He had an itchy trigger finger.  He.... over passed.  Hard to forgive.

The first half... he created so many open shots for himself... yet, the ball never found the bottom of the net.  It would rim out.  Bounce around. He was cursed.  The second half... he didn't even put up a shot cuz of ruined confidence. 

But he kept at it.  He called the play.  Screamed at his team.  He captained his way through adversity.

Four a 28 minute game... he easily played 20 minutes worth.  And his defense was suffocating.  He was relentless.  Where does he come up with that energy? Where did he unearth that stamina? 

As the final seconds ticked away... SW and his Knights... were proven victors of their first Jr. High C Team basketball game.  My son.... emerged victorious.  Afterwards, when I asked him how he thought he did, he modestly said, "I could've done better."

That's my son.  My son.... is HIM. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Panic Attack

When panic settles in... your heart beats faster.  Your breathing is exasperated.  Your muscles shake uncontrollably. Tears automatically flow out of the ducts.  You are hopeless.  Helpless. Man on an island.  Within the timespan of two weeks... NN had another panic attack.  All for, what I consider, worthless issues.  Things you can't control... and yet... you should have complete control over.

I tried to calm her down.  Fruitless.  

I resorted to raising my voice.  Fuel on fire.

Why is my NN like that???? I think we need help. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Fruit and Nut diet

 A few years ago.... I started to do occasional cleanses.  Sometimes, it was after Thanksgiving.  Or maybe after Chinese New Year.  I'll go a few days of fasting... no caffeine... no fatty food... no junk food.  Then I started doing occasional Fruit and Nuts / Low Carb diet.  I don't even know how I came about this.  Google searches have shown this isn't the best diet to go on... but it's ohhhhh soooo convenient.  

Been on this diet ever since I noticed that growing tummy of mine.  First couple of weeks... I was good.  I was solid.  Then Friday rolls around and I'll slip a little.  But Monday... I'll be right back on it.  I'm eating healthier... and eating wiser.  Yes - I get the hunger pangs, but hopefully, that's when the body knows to get energy from my blubber/fat.  

And then... there are those few occasions where I give myself a treat.  Like.... the rice tonight.  Or that one cracker.  Or a bag of Sun Chips.  It's sooooo gooood... yet... zero nutrition and 100% damaging to my godly body.  Let's see how long I can keep this up. 

Friday, October 20, 2023


One of the biggest practical joke in our lifetime... is when you pick up a chocolate chip cookie... bite into it... and realize it's oatmeal raisin.  The oatmeal raisin should be banned. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Basketball Practice is Cancelled

Got a text on Teamsnap that SW's basketball team practice tomorrow is cancelled.  Cancelled?!?  Wait... tryouts was yesterday and today.  And.... that can only mean... HE MADE ONE OF THE TEAMS!!!!!  

Team C - the lowest of the 3 7th/8th grade teams... but he made it!  Days prior... we already 大定輸數 he was gonna get cut.  And I was gonna send a scathing email to the AD saying how it's not fair.  But say hey... can file that email back into the DO NOT SEND folder. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Parents Involvement in Sports

Listened to an intriguing podcast on how to improve Youth Sports.  In a different order for the sake of this post...

1) Change the age breakdown.  For volleyball.. the cut off for your age group is end of June.  So someone born in July (of this year) will be 11 months older than someone born in June (of the following year).  For boys, especially during those awkward teenage, puberty years... that makes a world of a difference.  And if kids that bloom late... and is 11 years younger... they will always be smaller, shorter, slower, weaker.  Solution: Create two leagues by cutting the league into two age groups. 

2) Don't play by collegiate rules.  Why run it full in hoops? Why have to run a 110 yard pitch? Yes - you learn all the rules at a young age... but it's simply not fun.  Make the fields/courts shorter/smaller so it's more manageable for kids... but allow them to have fun while developing their skills.

3) Play multiple sports. The idea that physically and mentally, you exercise different muscles in your body and mind that will actually help you be a better athlete.  This isn't anything ground breaking when people think of hitting the weights, doing yoga in support of <fill in the blank.>  But that's not what he's saying... 

And lastly, most relevant to this post.

4) Limit parent involvement.  Coaches and Refs don't make a lot of money.  They don't need parents who are high school has-been's yelling at them, screaming for their kids' playtimes.  Overbearing parents who try to run their kids' lives straight into a scholarship or professional career may be damaging. And worst yet... parents (aka me) who try and coach, ridicule, judge, and/or rebuke your child's hardwork.. how does that help a child like the game???

Today... I tried and tried to fix NN's serve and swing.  She kept arguing and arguing.  Saying her coach tells her to do this and do that.  And how the other girls are doing it wrong... and she's right.  I just wasn't getting through to her and I finally said, "Guess what, your teammate is starting and you're on the bench."  

She didn't have a comeback.  That's cuz she started crying. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

On the fritz

 Washing machine has been on the fritz where the water won't drain.  I tried to DIY it but simply don't have the tools to confidently fix it.  Ended up calling a repair man... and as the YouTube video described... he found something stuck in the exhaust pump.  No idea how that article of clothing got there... it's physically impossible!  Or so we thought.  Sure explains the rotting, mildew stench.  Wonder how long it's been stuck?

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Father / Daughter Day

SW and Joyce went up to Roseville for a volleyball tournament and I had a special Father/Daughter Day with NN - beginning Friday night and Saturday all day.  Originally... wanted to hang out with a couple of her friends and their dads. But one of them came down with COVID, so we postponed it.  

Friday night was a chill night... didn't do much.  Saturday morning, we hiked up Mission Peak which nearly broke us.  We originally were gonna head out to Fleet Week, but we cancelled it after making it to the apex and knew we've overextended. 

After some curry for lunch... we chilled some more, caught a chick-flick/rom-com on Netflix.  Then headed to Whole Foods and Target after picking up Boba. At Target... we shopped a bit for me (got nothing) and ended up sniffing deodorant. 

At the same time... SW's team won their first game, ever.  Yesterday... was a great day. 

Friday, October 06, 2023

Sodom and Gomorrah

At TKA... the 7th grade class will go through the Old Testament... including the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  And they'll take the opportunity to have an open, candid discussion on Sex, Marriage, LGBTQ+.  It's done craftily where the parents get a heads up... have an option to opt out... and are included in the questions asked by the students.

I don't remember what we did when NN went through this class... but I did take it upon myself to ask SW what his "opinions" are.  And not surprisingly... his answers are very Sunday School, Christian School based.  Let's see how long that lasts.

Well..... tonight.... with SW and Joyce going off to a tournament, I get to spend some alone time with NN.  So I asked her to answer all the questions asked by SW's 7th grade class on Sexuality and LGBTQ+.  I won't get into the details... but let's just say... 10 out of 10.... 100 out of 100... she answered exactly like I expected her to.  

Look... we are Christians.  And we stand firm on the truth taught in the bible... albeit... our own interpretation of the truth. *smirk

Thursday, October 05, 2023


On Monday... SW had to meet with the Associate Dean and he got a written warning aka he was "Red Slipped."  A faculty/staff member said he "disrespected her" by not listening to her on where to be picked up.  SW... being raised to always respect adults and authority.. simple took it and didn't say a word.  Not even to defend himself.  

I'm so mad.

The school never issued any communications on pick up locations.
The school never communicated to students where they can / can not be picked up.
Students go to where they've gone the past 2 months to be picked up.
And today... on a Friday no less... faculty/staff start walking around... 10 minutes after dismissal... to tell students where to go????? 

He was standing there for 10 minutes!!! Not a peep.  But when our car shows up... of course he'll do what he's been doing the last year and 2 months... walk to the car.  And some b*tch comes chasing him down saying he didn't listen to her????  


I told SW.... "You can politely ask to tell your side of the story.  It's not talking back if you do it politely and respectfully."  

I want to take this to the Dean.  To the principal.  To the school headmaster.  This is NOT how you treat students.  

Sure... they see it as, "It's just a warning... get over it."  But not for a tween who's never even been tardy for one class in his life.  Who won't let me jay walk when there's no cars for miles and miles to be seen.

Grrrrrr........  the more I think about it... the more my blood boils. 

Monday, October 02, 2023

The wait makes it worth it

Ever drive by a restaurant that always has a line and you're just dying to try it but don't want to wait. Then the one time when there isn't a line... you don't want to go anymore.

We (over)pay for Netflix...  Disney+... Prime... Hulu.... and this year, the family got me Youtube TV so I can watch sports.  One of the best gift of my adult years.  And every time we channel surf, unequivocally we would watch any MCU move showing on TBS and TNT.  SW says it best... strangely enough... "Commercials make it better."