Sunday, October 08, 2023

Father / Daughter Day

SW and Joyce went up to Roseville for a volleyball tournament and I had a special Father/Daughter Day with NN - beginning Friday night and Saturday all day.  Originally... wanted to hang out with a couple of her friends and their dads. But one of them came down with COVID, so we postponed it.  

Friday night was a chill night... didn't do much.  Saturday morning, we hiked up Mission Peak which nearly broke us.  We originally were gonna head out to Fleet Week, but we cancelled it after making it to the apex and knew we've overextended. 

After some curry for lunch... we chilled some more, caught a chick-flick/rom-com on Netflix.  Then headed to Whole Foods and Target after picking up Boba. At Target... we shopped a bit for me (got nothing) and ended up sniffing deodorant. 

At the same time... SW's team won their first game, ever.  Yesterday... was a great day. 

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