Thursday, October 05, 2023


On Monday... SW had to meet with the Associate Dean and he got a written warning aka he was "Red Slipped."  A faculty/staff member said he "disrespected her" by not listening to her on where to be picked up.  SW... being raised to always respect adults and authority.. simple took it and didn't say a word.  Not even to defend himself.  

I'm so mad.

The school never issued any communications on pick up locations.
The school never communicated to students where they can / can not be picked up.
Students go to where they've gone the past 2 months to be picked up.
And today... on a Friday no less... faculty/staff start walking around... 10 minutes after dismissal... to tell students where to go????? 

He was standing there for 10 minutes!!! Not a peep.  But when our car shows up... of course he'll do what he's been doing the last year and 2 months... walk to the car.  And some b*tch comes chasing him down saying he didn't listen to her????  


I told SW.... "You can politely ask to tell your side of the story.  It's not talking back if you do it politely and respectfully."  

I want to take this to the Dean.  To the principal.  To the school headmaster.  This is NOT how you treat students.  

Sure... they see it as, "It's just a warning... get over it."  But not for a tween who's never even been tardy for one class in his life.  Who won't let me jay walk when there's no cars for miles and miles to be seen.

Grrrrrr........  the more I think about it... the more my blood boils. 

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