Friday, October 06, 2023

Sodom and Gomorrah

At TKA... the 7th grade class will go through the Old Testament... including the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  And they'll take the opportunity to have an open, candid discussion on Sex, Marriage, LGBTQ+.  It's done craftily where the parents get a heads up... have an option to opt out... and are included in the questions asked by the students.

I don't remember what we did when NN went through this class... but I did take it upon myself to ask SW what his "opinions" are.  And not surprisingly... his answers are very Sunday School, Christian School based.  Let's see how long that lasts.

Well..... tonight.... with SW and Joyce going off to a tournament, I get to spend some alone time with NN.  So I asked her to answer all the questions asked by SW's 7th grade class on Sexuality and LGBTQ+.  I won't get into the details... but let's just say... 10 out of 10.... 100 out of 100... she answered exactly like I expected her to.  

Look... we are Christians.  And we stand firm on the truth taught in the bible... albeit... our own interpretation of the truth. *smirk

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